Tying into the night/drinking



Active member
Jan 13, 2012
A homeowner I've done work for gave me this yesterday, an Italian Pilsner. Turns out it was good, really really good. You know the kind of good that just keeps on tasting like another... Ended up being up until two am tying and bsing with another tier in Italy. It was a great time, but the tying ended up being less than stellar. ;)
Tying with someone in Italy is as good as catching a hog, toad or 20" trout.
I miss my tying and drinking days.

Agreed Jack, mulling over ideas, techniques, and different materials with tiers from other parts of the world of ffing is priceless.
Brookie, I very rarely do that. But seeing as how a case of imported beer fell in my lap I thought I should do something with it. ;] and one thing led to another and before I knew it it was way past midnight and my room looked like several dozen different animals exploded around me.
Jack, what no fly pics?

I don't tie for show.
Mike, not sure if you meant me or the other Jack. If you meant me just reach down on the floor under your vise and grab a handful of what's down there and you'll have your pic. :roll:
lv2nymph wrote:
Mike, not sure if you meant me or the other Jack. If you meant me just reach down on the floor under your vise and grab a handful of what's down there and you'll have your pic. :roll:

Yes I did mean you. Aw come on can't be that bad. Besides maybe we need to see one of your bad flys. LOL

Alright you asked for it...
Top is a broken wing emerger, and the bottom is an attempt at a quill body
lv2nymph wrote:

Brookie, I very rarely do that. But seeing as how a case of imported beer fell in my lap I thought I should do something with it. ;] and one thing led to another and before I knew it it was way past midnight and my room looked like several dozen different animals exploded around me.

My tying table always looks like that Hahaha!

I wasn't, in any way, trying to insinuate you tie like that often, Jack. My buddy from college and I would tie, and drink, at his place. It was always a fun time with some inspired tying for certain streams, food from the local OIP, good conversation about fish and women, and you can't forget the Shiner Bock.
It's all good, I didn't think you were. I just didn't want you to think I did. Those group tying/drinking/eating sessions are a blast. I miss them as well.
Not that there's anything wrong with that (in my best Seinfeld voice)
lv2nymph wrote:
Alright you asked for it...
Top is a broken wing emerger, and the bottom is an attempt at a quill body
Those look better than my sober-tied flies...
Mike B
Skeet6 wrote:
lv2nymph wrote:
Alright you asked for it...
Top is a broken wing emerger, and the bottom is an attempt at a quill body
Those look better than my sober-tied flies...
Mike B

I was thinking the same thing! :)

Although, lacking shame, I would fish them both. :)
I have quit drinking. I may have quit sooner if I made animals explode. That is too funny. I get a great mental image there.
When I did drink, I would enjoy similar evenings. I believe I still carry some alcohol induced patterns in my boxes. I called them six pack flies.
Skeet & Dave I guess I'm my own worst critic. But over the years I've come to know that if I don't like a particular tie for whatever reason I'll never fish it, ( I know this is weird but I can't help it and I've stopped trying) it'll end up just taking up much needed space in a box. But these Ill take for a drift because of the circumstances of their creation. Stenonema, being in the frame of mind I was and not wanting to long a pause in conversation every time I went looking for something I wasn't very neat about it. Love the nickname, mind if I adopt?
"if I don't like a particular tie for whatever reason I'll never fish it, ( I know this is weird but I can't help it and I've stopped trying)"

Me too man, me too. I've come to terms I'm OCD with fly fishing stuff.

Nice booze bugs too!
Booze bugs! I love that one Jim. Is there no end to the things learned here on Paff? Nice to know I'm not the only one...
lv2nymph wrote:
Booze bugs! I love that one Jim. Is there no end to the things learned here on Paff? Nice to know I'm not the only one...

Why do I feel like there will be a meeting soon?

Hi. My name is Jack and I tie booze bugs.........
I understand not fishing our less than perfect creations. I'm the same way. However, maybe we would fish our booze bug, six pack flies if we booze fished. I wonder. I guess I'll never know.
Too funny... who wants to start the first booze bug meeting?