two wooly buggers?

Stuck on this one for a while?

Yes, 2 woolly buggers or 2 streamers! Big one in front 2nd trailing about 12 to 18 inches behind. Last streamer would be smaller in design. Big trout will often take a swipe at front fly, come back and inhale 2nd!

Just remember, sinking line, short 3 to 4 ft. leader, 0x is good. Throw out the window if fishing a floating line, longer is needed.
melvinp wrote:
Sorry been away, floating bugger Marabou tail,schlappen and estaz body,thicker closed cell foam tied like guggler, on a light wire #4 3x/4x long hook.Done floating bugger.And for the second bugger it would be a #8 1XH 3X/4X long beadhead no lead added.Yes trying to send a rig like this 50FT would be next to impossible those little flips into a head current that drops into a nice deep pool will work.

I've been doing something like this "Burgler" (Bugger-Gurgler) for a few years with great smallie success! :pint:

Alternate version of the body: sub UV Ice Dub in a dubbing loop for the chenelle & hackle. It's killer and a bit faster/easier to tie. It's certainly more durable than one with hackle. We've landed 50+ bass on the same fly. The foam looks super ratty, though that doesn't affect the effectiveness.
I actually do this in reverse order with great success.

I tie a smaller unweighted streamer on first. Then a larger one behind it on the hook bend. My thought is that bigger one acts like it chasing the smaller streamer.

If I find myself in deeper water than I'll add a split shot 8" above the first streamer.

In the hierarchy of the stream the Trout will lay claim there section of the stream and attack bigger of the 2 streamers every time. I've never caught one on the first streamer yet.