Tully Flow



Well-known member
May 26, 2009
Just happened to be looking at local stream flows and this is at the Tully. WOW!

Discharge, cubic feet per second
Most recent instantaneous value: 2,030 cfs 07-24-2013 13:00 EDT

MAJOR rain in the western/headwaters part of the Tully watershed Monday night. A band of Tstorms formed and ran basically parallel one after the other over the same area. Eastern Dauphin/Northern Lanc/Southern Lebanon/Western Berks got hit pretty good. Small creeks and streams were still well out of their banks Tuesday morning and there were many road closures. Hammer Creek was almost at the bridge on 322.
Wow...I almost fished Hammer last night...guess not!
I'm sure it dropped fast too...not sure it was fishable last night though. Probably is borderline tonight though.
Cornwall, Lebanon and surrounding areas hot 7" of rain.
Swattie87 wrote:
I'm sure it dropped fast too...not sure it was fishable last night though. Probably is borderline tonight though.

She drops quick, and clears up even quicker. I won't have the chance to get out til Friday evening or Saturday though.

If she's blown out, I just head of Walnut. Rarely ever "unfishable"!
I fished the Tulpehocken in Myerstown yesterday afternoon. It was really high and dirty, but not so dirty as to be unfishable. There were some areas that had clearly overflowed, and some of my usual spots were impossible to get to. I actually still saw a few sporadic rises, though. In the hour or so I was fishing, I had one brown take a slumpbuster, but he spit the hook before I could land him.
Hell, at 2300 cfs, I'd actually be able to put some weight on to nymph. Lol
I was supposed to take a guy from our local club up there yesterday but those storms blew us out. Everything has been fishing well down here this summer so we went to LR which has been running 64-66 degrees lately which is unreal!

Thinking about heading up to the T on Friday morning (6-9am) if levels come down. Anyone up for some tully luv? Here's hoping!

This year has been fantastic and I have done very little SMB fishing because of the flows/temps. Hit me up if ya'll wanna jam in the mornin.

Levels may be down by Friday however unfortunately it is likely lake will turn over and discharge temps will be high. Temps were great until a few days ago when we got that big rain dump. Hell in a few hours of rain my pool overflowed. Amazing amount of rain. Unfortunately it will likely increase temps in blue marsh outflow.

check the gauge and plan from there.
Will do Jeff.

Maybe we'll just call it off and stick to the local spring creeks. They have been fishing well and are staying below 68
I honked around Hammer tonight...you could tell that thing was RAGING two or three days ago. Amazing how high that water was, and even more amazing how fast it dropped. Still not down to normal flow, and a few holes really got deep, but definitely fishable.
The lake elevation is back to normal. Actually it at 289.96 ft which is slightly below summer pool of 290. Outflow will now equal inflow and the water temp should go down below 70º. Actually it has been a good water year so far. We did not have to put up with low water conditions which in face of the large number of 90º days we are having could have caused water temp problems throughout SE Penna and elsewhere.