Trout Season Opened TODAY!!!!!

The PFBC has not stocked 4.5 million adult trout for over a decade. The present number is about 3.1 million. Cooperative nurseries add about 1 million trout to that total.

Additionally, the number of trout raised in Pa has not varied with license sales. The number of trout raised has been around 3.1 million for years and was reduced from the former 5.1 million based on the hatcheries’ downstream water quality requirements, closure of one hatchery for the same reason in the early 2000’s, and angler desires for the agency to raise larger rather than more numerous trout. License sales have not been used to drive trout allocations on a county by county basis since 1981.

Not sure where you get your information from, but the direct sales of fishing licenses and trout stamps does impact the amount of fish raised and stocked. Try not selling any fishing licenses next year and see how many fish get stocked.

Here is a link that shows the number of trout stocked in PA.
Matt your link show what Mike just said. 3.1 million trout with another 1 million from coops
Mike said PFBC doesn't stock that many fish. I never said they did. I said PA stocks around 4.5 million.