Trout Pro. Does anyone know this guy?

BUSTED. You aren't old enough yet to forget stuff
What’s a Michigan cricket?
I actually hired him as a guide years ago on the south holston. Was an okay guide. Nice enough guy. Doesn’t have a great reputation. A little bit of a Debbie downer to fish with though. Threw himself a pity party while on the oars telling me about some of his problems. I’m usually fishing to help me forget about my problems…as real as his problems were I wasn’t there to be his therapist. If you want a guide on the soho hire Jon hooper…one of the best guides I’ve fished with.
What’s a Michigan cricket?
I actually hired him as a guide years ago on the south holston. Was an okay guide. Nice enough guy. Doesn’t have a great reputation. A little bit of a Debbie downer to fish with though. Threw himself a pity party while on the oars telling me about some of his problems. I’m usually fishing to help me forget about my problems…as real as his problems were I wasn’t there to be his therapist. If you want a guide on the soho hire Jon hooper…one of the best guides I’ve fished with.

Any experience with Ellis Ward? Watch him on youtube, seems like a good guy, streamer maniac
Any experience with Ellis Ward? Watch him on youtube, seems like a good guy, streamer maniac
Nope. Never fished with Ellis ward. If you do get an opportunity to fish the soho bring a striper spinning rod. At the end of the drift in gin clear deep water before you see tons of huge stripers…id say 15ish feet deep and over 10lbs. Can’t imagine fishing to them even with a fast sinking line so bring a spinning rig that gets down quick. Or bring an aerator and bucket and keep some small rainbows and use them for bait with a heavy sinker.
I am hitting the vise tonight to tie up some of those "Michigan Crickets." It looks like only two materials, and it should OWN those stockie bows in a few months.
"It's a deep driving rapala officer"

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I am hitting the vise tonight to tie up some of those "Michigan Crickets." It looks like only two materials, and it should OWN those stockie bows in a few months.

Also excellent if you happen upon any bunker schools as well
This spring I’m going to go to Penns during the Drakes, and squeeze in between the line of guys that always forms in the Broadwaters or Winters pools, or right at the Cherry Run access where there’s always a good crowd, with a baitcaster and a whopper plopper. Should fit right in.
This spring I’m going to go to Penns during the Drakes, and squeeze in between the line of guys that always forms in the Broadwaters or Winters pools, or right at the Cherry Run access where there’s always a good crowd, with a baitcaster and a whopper plopper. Should fit right in.
Whopper Plopper?! I thought it was called a Golly-Whopper...😁
This spring I’m going to go to Penns during the Drakes, and squeeze in between the line of guys that always forms in the Broadwaters or Winters pools, or right at the Cherry Run access where there’s always a good crowd, with a baitcaster and a whopper plopper.
Lol a buzz bait would turn heads I'm sure😂