Trout odyssey itinerary help.



Active member
Jan 2, 2007
Ok, I'm planning on taking a few days away after this term is done at school. Leaving next thursday morning and due to meet a friend in harrisburg saturday sometime.

That leaves me with some time to kill.

I've got about $100 to spend [not including gas... just $100 to spend on food, lodging, whatever] and a reliable car. I'll be starting in philly, and ideally ending up saturday in h-burg. This is not a point a to point b thing, so going further west than harrisburg is totally an option.

Help me make an itinerary... I'm bass fishing with my friend all weekend on the susky, so I'd prefer to stick to just trout for this trip so I can get a variety.

I know of (never fished) tons of streams out in the center of the state way, just wondering what's best? Where would you go? Ideally theres a really cheap motel or a campground somewhere that you'd recommend for thu or fri night.

I don't care where I go, so distance travelled isnt a problem. I'd kinda like to get to the central PA streams if possible.
Well if you're looking to go about 45 minutes to an hour south of Harrisburg, I would say the Yellow Breeches, Letort, or Falling Springs would be good option. Right now in terms of trout fishing around Harrisburg its about finding sufficient water and there isnt much unless you look at the limestoners to the south. Near Falling Springs is Caledonia State Park which I think is about $14 for the night without electric. Up around the Breeches and Letort, there are a lot of motels in Carlisle and I'm sure there is something cheap up there somewhere.

I'm not sure how the Central PA streams are running so hopefully someone else can chime in on one of them.
Penns is a pretty good stream to fish mid to late June - nice hatch if large olives - cornuta.
I haven't fished it for a few years now, but one of my buddies was up there last year at this time, and hit it good.
I'd check with Jonas at the feathered hook to see if they're on
Since you're leaving philly and heading along the turnpike I'd recommend hitting my favorite, Valley Creek, on the way out. It's at its normal flow for this time of the year unlike some areas of SEPA which are pretty dry. PM me if you need any info on spots to hit or flies to bring along.
I'm actually taking a study break to hit valley in about 3 hours :p

I'll pm you and hope you get it before I hit the road.

As of now here's what I'm thinkin...

I'm going to hit the road after I work a few hours, probably around 3 or 4. I plan on fishing yellow breeches/falling springs/letort area on the way out. I'm going to work my way to the Bellefonte KOA, where I'll eat, drink beer, and sleep. Check out FFP fly shop for some advice on where to head. From what I can gather, I'm at a good central location to get to many of the better water in the area.

I'll probably either stay at the KOA friday night, or might check out one of the state parks around there... The butterfly will have flapped it's wings too many times to have any idea where I'll go saturday morning...

The only problem is this... I'm not sure if I'll have enough time to fish the first set of streams and still have time to set up camp. Perhaps I'll just go straight to bellefonte and catch the evening hatch on Spring, fishing the breeches, letort, or falling springs on saturday on my way to the harrisburg.

Any good locations on Spring, aside from the paradise section?

From H-burg, you're looking at 1 1/2 hours to Penns, Big Fishing, Spring (Paradise)... a touch over an hour to Falling Springs... 30-40 minutes to Big Spring, Yellow Breeches or Letort.
Penns is really only an option if it's cloudy or you plan to fish early or late. When the sun is on the water, their mouths are all but glued shut.
Spring fishes pretty good all day long. Bigger fish active early and late but nymphing can be very productive all day long.
Yellow Breeches is fun if you have flies the resemble corn, marshmellows or cheese puffs.
Falling Spring and Big Spring are very full of weed growth and fish. Can be somewhat frustrating. Bring cress bugs, shrimp and streamers.
If you never fished the Letort you may want to do it once. Wear dull colored clothing and be prepared to see fish scatter if you stumble while walking up the banks. Fishing the meadows may be some of the toughest in the area but you'll be walking where legends honed their skills.
If you want to go after some big boys, PM me and maybe I'll be able to take ill for the day and join ya. We'll need to be on the water by 4:30-5 am, 2-3x tippet and some real big sculpins.

If you're on the stream, you can't go wrong. The rest of us are inside riding a desk.

I'd take in the Central PA streams, Fall Spring, Big Spring, the Letort, and maybe the Breeches. Keep in mind none of these streams will fish well during the bright daylight hours. Harrisburg is about 2 hours from Philly. Big Spring, Letort and the Breeches less then an hour from Hburg, Falling Spring about an hour and a half. Claks can be decent during the day and that's fairly close to Hburg. Stops along the way include Valley Creek, West Branch Perkiomen Creek, Hammer Creek, Sedglock and Furnace Creeks and some others. The Juniata River is just north of Hburg, and that would be worth fishing furing the day.
I'd agree that you ought to hit the central PA limestoners. I fished Falling Springs yesterday very briefly and it was, as usual, very clear and thick with cress. Although Falling Spring is my personal favorite - and I think a bit easier to catch fish in than Big Spring or Letort - you might want to cut it out of your trip. You could head down I81 to Falling Springs but it's a bit of a diversion. After fishing the Susky, if it was me, I'd head down to Boiling Springs and fish the Letort and Breeches. I'd fish till dusk some evening then head north from Carlisle on RT 34 to Newport and pick up 22/322 and find a budget hotel, perhaps in Newport or Thompsontown. I'm not sure of the legality but I have slept in my car more than once at Fish Commision launch sites like the one in Thompsontown. This will cut the distance to State College and you can be on Spring Creek bright and early the next morning. Good luck.