Trout in the Pennsylvania Mountains

Great trip. How were the no see'ems and skeeters? Those things drive me crazy.
Cool pics klingy looked like it was a awesome trip.
Top Shelf, all of it!

Thanks for taking us along.
acristickid wrote:
Great trip. How were the no see'ems and skeeters? Those things drive me crazy.

Some spots were thick with bugs, others almost none. Luckily it was cool the whole time, and I wore a light-weight long sleeve shirt with a hood and sunglasses, and didn't have too much issue. But yeah, there were a couple times when it was approaching miserable.
Great Pictures! Great re-cap of your trip. I love that region. So much great water.
Thanks for sharing, excellent post!
You made an interesting quote about catching mostly Browns. One stream I fish up there generally yields 7-8 brook trout for every brown. Last year I caught 53 brookies and 7 Browns in a particular section.

Now remember last year ended up being very warm and very low water.

I returned this year and caught 14 Brook trout and 10 Browns in the same stretch as above. The density of Browns was up slightly but roughly the same while Brook trout were down by about 74%. I concluded after fishing last week that last year's water temps must have rose to a level that wiped out the brookies but remained under the tolerance of the Browns. It may take 3-4 years of favorable conditions for the brookies to rebuild.
I fish that area a lot. There are days when I'm catching nothing but brookies on some streams, other days where, on the same stream, it's pretty even between browns and brookies. In low, clear water, I'd expect to catch almost no browns. So I'm not 100% sure that the brookies were wiped out. Conditions play a huge role.
Wow what an amazing trip thanks for sharing that ! Those brookies are beautiful .
Nice trip and pics. I'm glad I live here with all that..
Your post with such beautiful images both in words and photographs captures much of what we love about this sport. Thank you for letting us hike along with you.