Trindle Spring



Active member
Oct 27, 2017
I was just going through a bunch of old threads about Trindle Spring. Anyone fish it in the recent past? I was thinking about giving it a whirl.

I don't know if there's enough water left in it to fish. Upper reaches are overgrown and look like swamp with barely any flow. Those creeks took a solid dewatering from all of the development. Sad to
After the removal of the mill dam, have any habitat improvement structures been built there?
I fished the mouth in the spring with no success. I am sure there are some fish there but I don't know if I would go back as the stretch that is fishable isn't anything special. It is certainly a beautiful stream and if you are close by I would check it out. Hopefully, you'll do better than me!
It's close by, as I cross different sections of it every day. I may have to take a ride down to where it dumps into the creek this weekend and take a look around.

TSR was awesome back in the 90s. Tons of wild bows in all age classes and the occasional large brown. Kray is spot on about development killing it. Same for nearby Hogestown Run and Cedar Run- again, both awesome fisheries in the 90s. Good luck if you go but temper your expectations accordingly.
I drive past it every day, Just looks like a silt covered mess.
Cedar got punished and the one branch went dry. Hogestown is almost always muddy and I believe that is from the water being pumped from the quarry.

Now that I think about it, am I confusing silver spring with trindle spring. The one that goes past the bakery still looks pretty decent. Not sure if anything is still in it and access doesn't look good. Trindle goes behind Walmart? Caught bows in there 30 years ago. That's the one that looks like wet ground south of the pike.
Trindle is the one by the bakery. Use to see a kid go by where I worked on his bike with a stringer of fish over the summer. Hogestown run goes behind Walmart, Trindle dumps in by lambs gap road.

It certainly isn't what it once was, but if you time things right, you might just be surprised... :)
Trindle is the one by the bakery. Use to see a kid go by where I worked on his bike with a stringer of fish over the summer. Hogestown run goes behind Walmart, Trindle dumps in by lambs gap road.

Hold on. Hogestown is behind Walmart? Thought it dumped in behind the Giant. Which one is behind Wegmans?
Hogestown Run goes behind Giant and Walmart, dumps in behind the Boy Scout office off of 114. Trindle is behind Wegmans and goes into the Conodoguinet upstream from Lambs Gap Rd

Hold on. Hogestown is behind Walmart? Thought it dumped in behind the Giant. Which one is behind Wegmans?
If you google trindle spring or hogestown run - a map will pop up and you can see the location of the streams relative to all the development.

My uncle lived along the conodoguinet between those streams and in the early 70s we used to walk to the end of his road with shotguns in hand to hunt ducks on the conodoguinet. Could never get away with that now. It was really rural then. A lot of memories of that area before the development. Caught tons of smallies right in his back yard and always heard of big trout coming out of silver/trindle spring - that creek was like a ditch or wet lawn.

Swimming and canoeing - we had a blast visiting him. The only negative was he was on well water and we always ended up with bad emesis from that - started taking our own water after a while.
We live along the Conodoguinet upstream from Alexander Spring. I have a nice trout on my wall from below where the spring fed in. Now there’s a sink hole in the pasture before the spring dumps out.
Alexander Spring produced quite a few large browns for me between 1995- 2008. Haven't been back since so no idea of how it is holding up these days. Some sections were obviously much better than others. I got permission to fish much of it and really explored it. Assuming that it hasn't changed too much, with the right help, that stream could really be something special.
Defining our streams by which big box store they run past. So sad!
Don't be mad at me, I didn't build them. Would it be more acceptable if it were a mom/pop shop or boutique store I referenced? If you haven't been out Hempt Rd in a long time, you won't recognize it. Lots of development
I am not mad at you. Just sad that they are the most visible landmarks on our landscapes used to describe the locations of what were some of the best streams in the state. I fished Trindle a few times back around the mid 90's-early 2000's. Each time was worse than the last. A friend of mine hooked a monster at the mouth the first time we tried it. Caught a few rainbows also but they became smaller and less frequent. Last time the stream was filled with trash that had blown in from adjacent development.

Modern landmark/ eyesores are just a reference point. 40 years ago, you would tell someone...."Head down that road to the 3rd farm on the left. You'll see a pasture just past a farm access road. If there's a donkey with his junk hanging out, you are at the right place. Walk along the wood line to access the stream." 🤣