
Stag, the tricos have been incredible there so far. Get there at zero dark. Dog and me will get you setup and hopefully into fish. They have been very cooperative for almost all the newbies and new to trico fishing people we have taken there.
you're usually not casting super long distances so if you can't see your fly on the water you can usually see enoug of your line to know approximately where your fly is. If you use the CDC comparadun the white tuft is usually pretty visible. Also, w/ CDC you can usually just blow on your flies to get them floating again.
I've been putting a "backpack" on my spinners the last few years. Basically take a small piece of orange foam and tie it like a nymph shell over the back of the spent wing. It will allow the fly to float just a bit longer (at least that's what I tell myself) and gives you a hi viz sighter as well. Might be just enough to see on the tiny trico's.

Here's a good reference, but I tie mine a bit smaller than that.
ryguyfi wrote:
I've been putting a "backpack" on my spinners the last few years. Basically take a small piece of orange foam and tie it like a nymph shell over the back of the spent wing. It will allow the fly to float just a bit longer (at least that's what I tell myself) and gives you a hi viz sighter as well. Might be just enough to see on the tiny trico's.

Here's a good reference, but I tie mine a bit smaller than that.

Ryan, really cool idea which never entered my mind. I'll have to give these a try. Love threads like this. Incredibly informative.
I actually came up with it myself, and then came to find out it was already "invented". Darn that million dollar idea!
All of these were taken today with a size 24 trico spinner. All wild browns and some were nice size. This is obviously a hatch that gets their attention! :pint:

Oh yeah, in the spirit of full disclosure pics 3 and 4 and then 5 and 6 are two pics each of the same fish. As with any good fisherman, you should have seen the 2 that got away! :)


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Nice fish. Your net is pretty big - the reel in the pictures gives a better scale to judge by. Some of those fish are pretty large!

Cdc spinner?

Dang it - somehow I knew I should have gone along. Sleep and work are highly overrated. ;-)
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Cdc spinner?

Dang it - somehow I knew I should have gone along. Sleep and work are highly overrated. ;-)

No, I only tied two of those and lost both last weekend, I only had z-lon winged spinners (but these had primrose.........shhhhhhhhhh).
Nice looking fish fox! Love me some browns! Tricos have been a blast the few times I've fished them.
Perhaps an aberration of the photo, but an anal fin of the first fish seems to have been clipped.

A nice collection especially on small dries.
The mesh of the net is covering it up.
SBecker wrote:
The mesh of the net is covering it up.

Thanks Shane. I was waiting until I got home to look at the photo more closely. Even though the stream is stocked a few miles upstream from where I was fishing, they have only stocked bows as far back as I can tell. The browns in this stream are all wild to the best of my knowledge.
DGC wrote:
Perhaps an aberration of the photo

Perhaps an aberration of [d]the photo[/d] DGC's eyesight

Text corrected.