
I got a free sampler in my don's sculpin kit.
Whoops.....back to this crap again! LOL
@David, Thanks for the shout out to my website. I appreciate it very much.

For everyone, here is a link to all of the flies on that have been tagged as Trico's:

joemathis wrote:
@David, Thanks for the shout out to my website. I appreciate it very much.

For everyone, here is a link to all of the flies on that have been tagged as Trico's:


Thanks for the link most of those are to intricate for my simple mind. The funny thing I noticed was they are all rated 3 stars no superior pattern. You'd think 1 would stand out of the crowd.

All nice ties though IMO
E Hille just got done dying a fresh batch of unicorn hair. Better get it quick, that stuff flys off their shelves.
@David, Thanks for the shout out to my website. I appreciate it very much.

For everyone, here is a link to all of the flies on that have been tagged as Trico's:

Ya but those ties are clearly west coast and totally irrelevant. Who's ever heard of a 18 trico? LOL. Just kidding of course, that is a great site you have there and I am sure it will hi-jack a fair amount of my day today! Thanks!
jdaddy wrote:
@David, Thanks for the shout out to my website. I appreciate it very much.

For everyone, here is a link to all of the flies on that have been tagged as Trico's:

Ya but those ties are clearly west coast and totally irrelevant. Who's ever heard of a 18 trico? LOL. Just kidding of course, that is a great site you have there and I am sure it will hi-jack a fair amount of my day today! Thanks!

That's kinda what I was thinking! They are very nice ties though. Lets see some of them on a size 26!
That's kinda what I was thinking! They are very nice ties though. Lets see some of them on a size 26!

Just shrink the image by 50% and you got a 26! LOL!
Thanks for all the notes and fun. I appreciate the kind words about the site.

You're right about the sizes. Many are a bit big for Tricos but I don't tell folks what they can/cannot upload. I personally find the easiest way for me to translate a #18 pattern into #26 is to squint real hard. Once the #18 becomes fuzzy and indistinguishable I tie it since I can't see a #26 anyways I figure that's about what it looks like...

@littlelehigh - just fyi... All recipes start with a 3 star rating. I figure that's fair for everyone.

so are the current "paraleps" i'm seeing on the LL a factor? I'm talkin' dries/spinners. the times i've seen them they were thick and i thought they were tricos but they never fell...or do they fall later in the day. i was out from 6am to 10:30 and dint see one fall to the water.

I've seen (and missed) fish that were taking them on penns before. They'll take them when they fall on the LL.
govtmule wrote:
so are the current "paraleps" i'm seeing on the LL a factor? I'm talkin' dries/spinners. the times i've seen them they were thick and i thought they were tricos but they never fell...or do they fall later in the day. i was out from 6am to 10:30 and dint see one fall to the water.


Jeff, I was there today too around that same time. I must have walk right by you. I saw a couple of guys upstream from Trico run and a NY license in the lot at the fly shop. How did you do? I saw 3 fish and one of them was rising but he didn't like any of the flies I offered him.
I should have clarified, i was there on Sunday (further upstream of the heritage section)....did pretty good with flying ants...i did not see tricos but a ton of dem so called paraleps were out...
govtmule wrote:
I should have clarified, i was there on Sunday (further upstream of the heritage section)....did pretty good with flying ants...i did not see tricos but a ton of dem so called paraleps were out...

I'm no expert on paraleps or tricos but Dave Rothrock ties paralep duns. How, when or where he fishes them I ain't got a clue.

I fish what I call paralep nymphs

size 18-22 straight hook (usually a #20)
grey thread
short grey or dun tail (very sparse)
peacock quill abdomen
grey thorax (anything will do muskrat, adams superfine etc)
grey goose quill wing case.

Worked well last year all summer long haven't been out much this year. But I will give it a try this saturday and sunday morning.
I thought tricos fall mid-day. On the Gunpowder they fall by 11:00 or so, and turn off like a light switch...or maybe that's when they hatch...only fished them once last year.
I think their fall has more to do with the air temps than the time of day. I've been done fishing the spinner fall by 10:00am on really hot days. I've also been fishing it until early afternoon on cooler ones.
Here is a cluster of tricos as per LL post video
I haven't tried them yet


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You should be fishin instead of tying things like that. Nice job!
I'm not sure who thought up that trico cluster pattern, but it had to be ten years when I was fishing the LL in the Heritage section when I struck up a conversation with a fellow FFer, and he handed me a fly that looked almost exactly like that. I thanked him and put it in my fly box (it's still there by the way). I thought it was some kind of a SJ worm cluster :roll: or something and laughed it off. I'm going to give it a try the next time I fish a trike hatch.
when you see the white shucks on the water they have moulted in the air and the spinners will fall very shortly , as someone mentioned it is air temps. the hotter it is the quicker they mate and fall , usually emerge between 52-55 degrees , early morning in early season and late morning late season ..