trico spinner

Thanks for the info. I'm going to try them this season as a dedicated subsurface trico pattern. Sometimes it seemed like I hooked up with more fish when my trico spinners got drowned out and actually sank below the surface film.
Have any of you tried charcoal sculpin wool or snowshoe for the wings of your trico spinners?
Read earlier in the thread in regard to using snowshoe for trico spinner wings.
Here is my take on tricos.

I start with a 22 and go to a 24 if the fish are snooty. generally like to fish the bigger end for better visibilty and hooking, but I switch if the fish aren't buying the bigger flies.

Wings are still a mix for me. I like foam, organza, snowshoe hare, Hi Vis, and hackle wings. These days I go more for the hackle wings because I like the look and they hold up better IMHO. Had years when I preferred each of the above, and still find days when one or the other works better. My gut feel is that when the fish are pressured it's best to use something the other guys aren't. Don't like poly wings since they get matted over time.

I generally don't use tails. Trico flies look better with tails, but IMHO the tails don't seem to catch any more fish and are harder to tie.

My modification to help my aging eyes is to put on a slender chartreuse calf body hair post. Sometimes in the glare a black post shows up better. I find a post really helps me follow the fly.

In hard pressured waters I have been seeing the better fish only take sunken spinners. I will try HAs pattern since it looks better than most to me.