Tough to watch

MJE2083 wrote:
I agree with bigjohn58: This is an area that the PFBC really needs to work on. Fish handling skills need to be taught. They have to find a way to promote and educate proper catch and release. They need to find a way to educate the average angler period!

We could do a lot better on the educational front. I think some messaging on social media from PFBC would go a long way. A simple youtube video on proper fish handling/release would be useful

Maybe you should be required to a 30 hour class & written exam before you can get your fishing license.

The fish police are already on facebook, etc. Just post a poorly handled fish & you will get told.

Keep the government out!
If you see it and don't say it you're missing an enjoyable opportunity, Jus sayin. But I also think, perhaps, you're being overly sensitive. The fish don't care. We care. Many of us would've changed our ways much sooner if someone would've lovingly said something sooner. I grew up on warm water species that were handled carelessly and they rarely suffered from it. As I got older I started cutting lines on fish that were deeplyhooked or had swallowed the hook. Then when I switched to trout no one ever told me to be gentle. As a farm kid I am naturally not gentle with animals...they're here today and gone tomorrow. It never occurred to me to be more caring. If someone would've convincingly made the argument I'd have acquiesced years earlier. Since switching to fly fishing last year I find myself surrounded by better info, I'm paying more attention, I have you all for consulting. If I don't listen, shame on me, but allot of these folks you see mis-handling fish may re-form their habits quickly if you enlighten them. You may also gain a friend. Invite them to the forum.
The last thing in the world you want is the Government mandating even more of our behavior.
I like to help folks when I can.
Brad: there on this website as well.
So an educational program is needed? It has been in place for decades. See p 15 of the 2020 Summary Booklet of Regulations and the link below.
" Anglers may be charged with violating the Fish and Boat Code by failing to immediately release the fish unharmed. If regulations permit, the angler should keep the fish and have it count towards his or her daily limit."
This is an example of how our state and Gov thinks. Thanks goodness the people in the field act with common sense.
If a Fish swallows a hook, is gut-hooked or is gill-hooked they could legally cite you. While I understand why these areas exist it is also why I'm never found in C&R areas.
Mike's cite from the summary booklet noted and notwithstanding, I see no reason why the main burden for this sort of angler "education" should fall on the PF&BC. This is a perfect situation for TU and other like minded organizations to play a role.

Here is a brochure about Wisconsin TU's (Iowa and MN TU also do the same, IIRC) CPR (Consider Proper Release) program. WI-TU signs to this effect were prominently displayed at most of the more popular access points on many of their streams.
That’s the spirit. Mentoring. I was a member of Awana Clubs as a kid and learned allot about God, family, country and nature through the God fearing leaders of the day. Today’s kids don’t have that available as easily and very little incentive to seek it out. I also see an opportunity to have fishing clubs after or during schools.
Without disrespect, I don't see the importance of having a "god-fearing mentor" in this case?
Agree it's not pfbc responsibility to educate anglers on how to handle fish. And any regs book I've seen from any state tells you how to do it. Usually the more fish you catch, the better angler you become, and the better you are at handling fish.

It wasnt easy handling fish when I first started, sometimes it still isn't.
Well you’re right in this case. But if you were mentored early in life to be respectful and believe in your heart that god created all things then you naturally care to learn better habits without having to be told about by the state. A caring fellow fisherman could potentially show or “mentor” another to have better habits and the whole thing goes away. No Government needed.
I personally love to mentor grandkids. Each kid over six can fish.