To everyone with an American job



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
Happy Labor Day
Thank you for your kind wishes.
Gee,thanks-I might have to move there and get back into harness.Wednesday I lost a box of expensive lures when they jumped out of my kayak.Even though I spent a half hour sponge diving I couldn't find them.Did learn its easy to crawl back into a kayak in waste deep water.Good to know.
This morning my life preserver blew out the back of my truck while I was crossing a bridge.
Wife not happy.
i don't get it?
It's a rip on outsourcing to India.
thats what i figgured, but I wasn't sure. For the record i will be working on monday :0( . I however will do my damnest to be fishing on saturday :0)
Right back at cha Padraic. And while we're at Demand products made in USA fro our retailers. Start a writing campaign to all of the companies you can think of. I don't mind paying a little more for good old MADE IN USA. We can't become a third world country, but that's where we're headed with college grads not being able to get jobs in their fields.

College grads not being able to get jobs in their fields????? umm, I guess that depends on their field of study. Right now employers can't find enough qualified engineers, doctors, nurses, IT majors, accountants, finance majors, business majors, teachers (anywhere outside of PA), etc. I work at a gigantic accounting and professional service firm... probably 25-35% of the people I work with are immigrants because the need for qualified employees is so great. Once the baby boomers retire in mass, the labor shortage is going to be that much more pronounced.

If they are basket weaving majors in college, they may have a tough time finding a job, otherwise this is as good as a job market as you'll see.
"probably 25-35% of the people I work with are immigrants because the need for qualified employees is so great."

You really mean: the need for qualified employees who work for nothing! even semi-qualified employees who will work for nothing! even stupid, retarded employees who will work for nothing!
The bottom line is: they will work for nothing!

A lot of smart folks in India, but even the stupid ones are hired first because they work for 1/3 the salary of a USA guy. I think that's what the thread was started on......... 1/3rd the salary, with no benefits and they don't even get Labor Day off as a paid holiday!

India wiped out our software and IT, just like China wiped out our manufacturing. We don't make anything anymore. Almost all labor done in the states is done by illegals, the middle class union jobs are gone. I can see big troubles ahead. With no more middle class, the 5% ruling rich will have trouble holding onto their wealth while 95% are living in poverty, with no benefits!............... well maybe security jobs will increase, but the rich man will only pay him 30K, so the security guards will be robbing the rich also! It's almost like the fall of the Roman Empire!

Sorry for venting....... it's time for me to get out my China made St Croix fly rod and my China CSR fly reel (China ties all the flies now, but I still love to tie my own, with China components) and turn off my China made computer....... but first I have to call India for some advice on my Windows operating system....... then a snack of my imported foods made with my Chinese made pots and my China microwave........ then I'll get my China waterproof camera ready for tomorrow........ I wonder if I'll need my China chest waders or maybe I'll just put on my China felt boots with my China shorts and shirt....... and my new China waterproof watch....... can't wait to get my China flat screen TV, now the biggest TV maker in the world.

Later, after I set my China alarm clock and turn off my China AC.
"but first I have to call India for some advice on my Windows operating system"


But, I can never underdstand the person in India. Also, it is rare that they really solve the fundalmental problem. Most of the time their solution works for a week or so, then one had to call them again - and try to understand what they are saying.

Unions - they have really screwed their members as most of the unions are supporting immigrantion both illegal and legal . They think that by doing so, that they can increase membership.

So, the ruling elite get you coming and going. The outsource as many US jobs as possible and bring in as many illegals as possible to drive down our wages.
Well 10 15 years ago all the luxury cars in DC were foriegn made, nearly all the construction workser and landscape people were illegals, SO where are our representatives who are elected to protect the citizens??
Orvis having a major sale, maybe the China stuff is backfiring?? Check their web site.
It isn't about basket weaving degrees, I'm talking about talented college grads in traditional fields of work. BTW this is an ultimate irony, India is now out sourcing to China.
Personally I don't want anyone from a foreign country knowing who I am and having personal information on me. Who knows how they use it.
As a national security issue we sholdn't be having any high technology equipment built outside the US.
Woolybugger wrote:

You really mean: the need for qualified employees who work for nothing! even semi-qualified employees who will work for nothing! even stupid, retarded employees who will work for nothing!
The bottom line is: they will work for nothing!

A lot of smart folks in India, but even the stupid ones are hired first because they work for 1/3 the salary of a USA guy. I think that's what the thread was started on......... 1/3rd the salary, with no benefits and they don't even get Labor Day off as a paid holiday!

I was addressing the comment about college grads not being able find jobs in their fields. I strongly disagree with that comment, and made the point that many times employers need to look outside the country to find qualified employees.

If the immigrants that I work with are stupid retarded employees that work for nothing, I guess I'm a stupid retarded person working for nothing. They make the same amount of money as I do, are just as smart and are hard working assets to this country.

Ohh, by the way, the stupid retarded (taxpaying and legal) immigrants that I work with are off on Labor Day too.

I agree with all of your sentiments, as I work with a few immigrants.

I think you're missing the point though... The people who work for 1/3 the salary aren't indian immigrants. They are indians. This is outsourcing we're talking about, not employing legals.
One of the problems no matter what these jerks do they end up on the gravy train, on our tab of course.

I was just disagreeing with the comment made about college grads not able to find jobs, thats all. I wasn't trying to make an argument one way or another about outsourcing.

I just don't see the sky falling concerning our economy. Our economy has been expanding at a very healthy rate for over 5 years now, unemployment is near an all time low, and our standard of living is as high as it's ever been.
I agree with you there. I graduate in a year and I already have a job lined up in my field. As do most of my friends. I think a bigger problem is the number of colleges turning out underqualified graduates. I've learned more from internships than I ever could in my classes. It's a shame that I had to pay all this tuition to be able to get that opportunity.
I usually don't get involved in any discussions like this but this time I had to.My job has gone from 150 employees 2 years ago to 55 right now.My job is making supplies for the medical research field.What has happened in the lst 2 years could driv eyou crazy.First the government made major cuts in the reaserch field so they could pay for the war effort.Many of the larger facilities have had major cuts in federal funding and many are now buying the same products we make from oversees to cut costs.The smaller facilites are either really struggling or closing.As for college grads were I live hardly any get into there fields,why again many of these jobs are lost to oversees ,Dont give the Bull S*$t about the economy being good or steady ,if you are one of the rich in this country you are doing good and don't see the problems for the rest of us everything is going to hell.
The economy was driven for the last four or five years by the phoney housing market, (and the war) guess why our so called leaders didn't crack down on the subprime lenders.