This years best fishes



Feb 15, 2012
2015 was pretty sweet, learned how to somewhat Czech nymph thanks to some help from some dudes. It has paid off, as well as long days spent walking to some real remote streams. I figured I'd share some of this years best photos













OOOPS for some reason I can see the pics on my phone, but not on my computer? Mods help me out lol
I see the photos on my computer. They look good.

2015 was an awesome year for me as well. Czech nymphing is going to be the learning process of 2016...Awesome pics and awesome year!!
I believe its my awesome wifi here at work that blocks the photos good to know they are showing up for some people. Glad you guys enjoy them.
Beautiful fish!
You're certainly not starvin for beautiful fish! Those brookies are exceptional IMO.

Kinda curious about picture #3 though. Did you catch two fish at one time? Or is that an optical illusion
@dryflyguy those are two brookies both caught within 20 seconds of each other between me and my friend out of the same hole. I landed mine when he hooked his and I had to cup mine and net his. It was quite the event haha. His was about 14" and is actually pic #8 and my fish is pic #6. By far the highlight of my fishing experience her in PA
Here is my favorite fish from this season so far. Nothing amazing, but a nice sized brookie from a very small stream. Loved his colors.


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Those are some pretty trout. I'm off work next week and deciding where I want to go. Might have to hit some streams that are on my bucket list.
Great pictures. It makes me ache to do some fishing. Please keep posting.

Really nice brookies in there! Looks like a great year, thanks for sharing.

Personally my year started very slow as every place I fished was entirely new to me. Eventually found the good spots and turned it around, AND the year's not over yet!!
OP, awesome pics.

PocketWater wrote:
Here is my favorite fish from this season so far. Nothing amazing, but a nice sized brookie from a very small stream. Loved his colors.


Heres my favorite fish -

Some of my favorite fish this year. Last one was not caught by me but was the most exciting catch of the year!


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Real nice photos! Thanks for sharing. I may have something to share as well. I will have to go back through my photos for the year and I will at a later time. Bowhunting trumps flyfishing stuff this time of the year, the bucks are starting to move!
I don't any pictures of the biggest fish I've caught, but I'm saving the best fish of the year for something I catch somewhere this fall.
This was a great year for me; a lot of things finally clicked and I'm feeling more confident with my abilities (heck, I just feel good that I catch fish on Penn's whenever I go now). Anyway, I landed probably the largest trout I ever have just yesterday. It's a stockie, and while I mostly fish for wild trout, I was stoked to land this.

I caught my best wild brown to date this season. He was a hefty 19" and a little sluggish, but he did make two short runs.


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Just dug through the pics...what I realized is that I had a pretty slow year on Brookies, big Brookies at least.

Best Brown - 16"ish from BFC during the Jam.
Best Brookie - 9"ish from a small limestone spring in early Sept.
Don't think I caught a wild Rainbow in 2015 thus far.

I'll likely get out a few more times, but these fish will probably stand as the best of 2015...on a fly. I did catch an 18" range Brown on one of those shiny, rotating contraband thingies...shhh.


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Caught my first Atlantic this year. They have got to be one of the funnest fish to catch on a fly rod.