They Exist. Early Christmas Present

Nice fish. Personally I think people take the whole spawn thing overboard. If you say you were careful that's good enough for me.
csoult wrote:
Nice fish. Personally I think people take the whole spawn thing overboard. If you say you were careful that's good enough for me.

pcray1231 wrote:
Sure it wasn't a Joe's fly? :)

Since we’re now openly talking about spinners, I think Joe’s are actually the best Trout spinner, in terms of in the water performance. Their main flaw IMO is simply how light they are. You usually can’t cast them from a sufficient enough distance away to not spook what you’re casting to. And in heavier flows, you can’t get them deep enough, fast enough.

I use what amounts to a variant of the “Nale” design for my contraband exploits these days. The main difference is I put the largest diameter bead in the middle, and taper back down to the smallest at the hook end. Hydrodynamically speaking I think this design allows for the hook to catch more water, and thus create more drag on the lure. This allows for a slower retrieve speed when desired, while still keeping the blade rotating. Also helps in faster current while executing a straight downstream retrieve. Thomas makes the closest manufactured spinner to this design, and I’ll still use those in a pinch too.
Zak wrote:
The stream is full of smaller browns year round. Most of them appear to reside in the stream for their intire lives but some leave to grow and return down the road. During the summer its just your normal run of the mill lesser known wild brown trout stream. Water temp never gets much above 63 degrees.

ah got you. I misunderstood, I thought this was a WW stream...

there is big debate in Europe as to whether the wandering browns have a gene that encourages them to rove, or whether it is just chance and happenstance.

a bit of both I suspect, they surely are adaptable fish.

it would be an interesting experiment to troll the susky's deep spots below 80ft with downriggers to see the size of the transient population down there, you just never know i mean, there is plenty of evidence that Atlantic Salmon ran the Delaware seasonally before industrialization of the mid atlantic...


I agree pcray. I use egg flies quite often on my noodle rod if the situation calls for it.

Zak, check your pm, thanks.
Zak wrote:
Here's the other I caught there.



As for the spinning gear posting up in a fly fishing sound like such an elitest Nick. The type of guy that gives fly anglers a bad rap with the rest of the fishing communtiy. It wasn't my intent to offend you, heck, if you read above I even apologize first. I was merely making a friendly point with Brown that, yes, I can confirm the fact that he's being honest here, which I never doubted anyhow. I was excited by the fact that someone showed a photo of a trout larger than I've ever caught there and wanted to show him a few of the trout I've caught there.....regardless of the tackle as that shouldn't really matter.

I'm every bit as careful with a trout whether I'm spinner fishing or fly fishing but I dont stop fishing during the spawn as there is little to no scientific proof that it has any impact on trout what's so ever. It's all just speculation to the best of my knowledge. As another poster said, it's a moral thing. If youre conscience tells you not to fish from mid October on then that's great. Mine doesn't and I really enjoy fishing so I go. I'm a little more cautious about each step but I go. To each their own.

Lastly, another person said he likes how someone posts a big trout and then says it's not as good as it used to be. That one seems obvious. Just because someone still has good fishing at a place doesn't mean it was as good as it used to be. I'm not complaining, just making conversation stating the obvious, which Brown came on and confirmed.

Websites name is PAFLYFISH ....just saying.... :p
This thread was always or became about whether such largish fish exist. I guess hearing about spin fishing caught trout or even electorofished trout is germane. As an elitist myself, I can appreciate the fly-caught trout over the bait or spin-caught trout, but the trout is the same size either way.
How can u be so sure they were Germane browns...could have been scottish. :p
I fish to fish, mostly fly but I'll bring out the spinning gear every now and then. When my children were younger I'd buy bait for them so they could have fun and catch some fish. When my son was 7 or 8 he named himself the Bluegill slayer, now he likes to sling plastic worms and has asked me about trying fly fishing as he is 12 now. So there's a positive, he's still interested.

I'm not an elitist, hipster, flat brimmer, or Germane, I'm a fisherman who happens to be Jewish, enjoy scrapple, kosher pork products, and good friends. Also politically incorrect T-Shirts.

See what I did there Mo !

Smoked Salmon, aka Lox jus sayin
On a bagel with a schmer.GG
Now listen hear boy. The only spinners permissible round these parts are them there rusty spinners, tied all nice and barbless like. Ya hear?
there should be a closure of wild trout streams from October 1 to January 1 (Wisconsin uses this and it is a heck of a compromise versus NY where you have to wait until April), and then new signage that states do not step on Redd's posted for the anglers on the water in January. Personally i stay away from wild trout streams until mid December, and i know the fisheries would benefit from being closed till The first of the new year.
Again, a careful, respectable angler with knowledge of the trout and stream can fish many of these streams without much trouble to the fish.
That thing is crazy! Awesome fish!