The passing of Heritage Angler, Ed Maurer



Jan 24, 2010
As we grow older in life, many of us are blessed to meet and make a lot of friends. You don't pay too much attention to the fact that as we get older so do these friends. There will be a few of those friends that will play a large part in your life or might be part of memorable events or times in life if you know them long enough. I was lucky enough to have met Ed about 14 years ago and he invited me to my first Jam where I bunked with him and four others, now friends, for that weekend! What memories were made that weekend! Ed introduced me to everyone that weekend and even showed me a couple of his favorite spots on Spring Creek! We all have busy lives these days. The one thing that i've leaned by experience is that we are not guaranteed to be here forever and to get as much out of life as we can. Ed and I in the last few years have not been able to fish much together and only kept in touch through texts and Facebook. With much sadness I learned of his passing just a couple of days ago and I was ashamed of my self when I realized how long its been since I talked to him! Times goes fast and we don't realize it until its to late. If you have a memory of time spent with Heritage Angler, leave it here!
Im sure Ed is stream side somewhere, pipe in his mouth waiting for the next fish to rise!
I'm deeply sorry to hear about the passing of "Heritage Ed" as I called him.

Ed hasn't posted on here for a long time and most of us lost touch with him.

He did a lot to help anyone and everyone learn more both fly fishing and fly tying and even set up free classes every spring to teach and help out anglers.

Here's to you Ed, thank you for everything you have done for us all and tight lines.
Dear mooney4,

I am sorry to hear of Ed's passing. Though I never actually got to physically meet Ed, we became friends more than 20 years ago through PAFF and the old Fly Anglers On Line message boards. We fished many of the same places and often talked over the phone and in private messages about our fishing and many other things.

From that experience it was clear to me that Ed was a passionate angler as well as a kind and decent person. He used to run a get together on Pine Creek every year through the FAOL message board, but I was never able to attend. I always thought, maybe next year, but never followed through. Learning of his passing makes me regret that.

Take care and remember the time you got to share with Ed.


Tim Murphy
Sad to hear. Met him at a few events in my early PAFF days. Very generous man with his FF knowledge and time.
I had the pleasure of meeting Ed by accident one day close to 20 years ago at the former Little Lehigh Fly Shop when I stopped in before fishing. At that time I was embarking on a project using my newly purchased GPS to create coordinates and map all of the trout stream sections in the regions I fished.

I talked about it on PAFF & FAOL more than a few times in those days and when I was running off at the mouth at the shop, Ed looked at me funny and said, "That sounds familiar, are you on PAFF?" I introduced myself, we both laughed and would bump into each other at the Little Lehigh, L.L. Bean or just PM each other on PAFF.

When I expressed an interest in Tenkara, Ed offered to meet me one cold winter's day in Northampton to try out his Tenkara rod on the Hokendauqua Creek and gain an understanding of casting and how it all worked. We met up, I tried his rod, liked what I saw and purchased the same rod he had shortly thereafter.

I lost touch with Ed when he stopped posting on PAFF which is a shame.

RIP Heritage Angler, thanks for the help and broadening my horizons...
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Sad to hear about Ed's passing. I was fortunate to have met him some years ago at a Jam or 2. I'll echo what others have noted, he was just a kind person and always willing to help others.

Not infrequently I ponder what's become of some of the folks that used to post here and Heritage Ed always pops into my head. I can still see the little animated angler casting in his signature line when he'd leave a post.

Thanks for sharing Mooney
Am also sad to hear this. He was much too young.

I believe he was one of the "good guys."
I've been wondering how Ed was doing. He was a regular here and on FAOL. We'd cross paths at the Lil Lehi shop and enjoy chatting about conditions. He was a pipe smoker and I saw him a couple of times in the New Tobacco Village. He was a treat and I miss him.
I’m very sorry to hear of Ed’s passing. He was a genuinely benevolent individual who enjoyed sharing his wealth of knowledge in flyfishing and flytying with anybody who showed interest. I remember him being a huge contributor to the earliest PAFF Fly Tying Jams. I always enjoyed chatting with Ed and always learned quite a bit from him. Rest in Peace and tight lines, HA.
Never met him and didn't really post much when he did (or maybe I joined after he stopped) but remember tons of his posts while I was combing this site for information back when I started. Seemed like a quality man and fisherman.

Like someone else said Ill always remember that casting gif signature he used.
Sad news and condolences to his family - and to those of you who new him well. He was a bright light here on PAFF back in the day.

The only time I can remember speaking in-person with Ed was at the Steelhead jam in 2009 or 2010 at the Folly's campground pavilion. We had a great time talking about Gettysburg as he was a keen history buff and we came up with an idea for a Jam combining a tour of the battlefield followed by an afternoon on Yellow Breeches. We continued to talk about this and I finally organized the event three or four years later based on a date that worked for Ed. Unfortunately, at the last minute, Ed had to bail. . . but we had the jam anyway (some of you may remember that - dc410 was there, among others). The fishing was good.

Anyway, the Cumberland Valley/Gettysburg jam was Ed's idea and, although the memory has faded, over the years some folks have asked me to run this jam again. Maybe it's time to do it in Ed's memory.
I am sorry to hear about Ed. I fished with him a few times and always enjoyed my time on and off the water with him. RIP my friend.
Sad news indeed 🙏
I remember his posts from years past. They were informative and well thought out. RIP my friend...
Ed posted some of his vast flyfishing knowledge and experience here and was instrumental in organizing many the Tying Jams held at the Lehigh Gap Nature Center. He was as generous, friendly, fun and knowledgeable in person as he was as a member here and wonderful to fish with.

I'll miss him.
Ed and I fished several times a year for about 15 years before his health deteriorated.He took me to my first Jam,my first trips to Potter County,and Pine Creek when I first moved to PA in 1981.He was one of the most knowledgeable about things fly fishing I have ever met.His kindness and willingness to share his fly fishing knowledge was beyond measure.This is indeed sad news.Rest in Peace ,my friend.