The passing of Heritage Angler, Ed Maurer

Ed and I fished several times a year for about 15 years before his health deteriorated.He took me to my first Jam,my first trips to Potter County,and Pine Creek when I first moved to PA in 1981.He was one of the most knowledgeable about things fly fishing I have ever met.His kindness and willingness to share his fly fishing knowledge was beyond measure.This is indeed sad news.Rest in Peace ,my friend.
Sounds like we have the same story of Ed from our first Jam!! Im sure there's more of the same!
This really stinks. Ed was a great man and I just thought about him last weekend and regretted how we lost touch. I haven’t been on the forum in years but happened to think about it today and logged on. I’d like to share my experience with Ed and what kind of person he was.

We met at a newbie jam at the Lehigh valley nature center probably a dozen years ago. We then fished a lot of Saturday mornings on the little Lehigh and Ed was a wealth of information and always willing to help.
My wife and I had just started dating at the time and I was really getting into fly fishing so I dragged her up to the Lehigh almost every Saturday morning. She’s a tad stubborn like us all and took instruction a lot better from Ed than me. Ed wanted to make sure she was set up with everything she needed to fish. I got her waders and boots and Ed gave her the pack with everything you would need in it including dozens of perfectly tied flies. Slowly for whatever reason we stopped going to the Lehigh as often on the weekends and ventured to other parts of the state to fish. I would reach out to Ed from time to time and ask him to fish but work got in the way for one of us most of the time and I haven’t seen him in years.

I decided to clean up her pack last weekend and forgot about all those flies from Ed in it. She doesn’t fish as much as she used to and usually just uses flies out of my pack when we are together. There are so many amazing flies that Ed tied in that fly box still. I remember him saying his favorite fly was CDC and Elk and there’s a bunch in there that look like they were just tied yesterday.

We have a 17 month old daughter now and we started taking her last year when we would fish. It won’t be long till I can help her catch her first trout on a fly rod and you can bet your *** it’s going to be on one of those CDC and elk flies that Ed gave my wife all those years ago.

Ed made a huge impact on my wife and I and I’ll always think of him whenever we venture back to the little Lehigh. Thanks Ed for all the help and for being so generous with your time.

O have so many good memories of Ed.
Way back when I was just starting FF'ing, I reached out for help with casting and FF'ing in general. Ed responded to my request and we arranged to met at McMichael's Creek. Ed was very patient and we met several times where he worked on my casting and fishing abilities. He was a funny guy to fish with and I am so very sad that I won't have another opportunity to share time on the stream with him.