The Little J-10/25

It better not be...I'll post it all over if I find a place with 2 burgers and 2 bears for 13 bucks!
I probably encountered the same people on the Little J last time I was there. Myself and a buddy were fishing that quarry area downstream of the confluence with Spruce Creek and a few worm chuckers showed up and started throwing their bobbers literally right next to where our fly's were. We just walked upstream and they didn't bother us again, but it was clear that they were trying to get us out of their "hole".

I'm pretty much a pacifist, so despite how rude and immuture some people can be on streams, it usually just rolls off my back and I go away with the satisfaction knowing that I'm a better fisherman and better person than they are.
We have truck stops down here on 95 where you can see the ``bares'' but not sure I want bears with my cheeseburger.
If you get a CW permit you can just grin when people bother you.
I'm pretty much a pacifist, so despite how rude and immuture some people can be on streams, it usually just rolls off my back and I go away with the satisfaction knowing that I'm a better fisherman and better person than they are.

Dude you may be a better person but i'm not sure about fisherman JK. But what you did isn't going to change anything and your just adding to the problem. Those people just stronge armed you and it worked and now they are going to do it again to someone else because they probally walk away just like you :-o

Don't take offense but, Being a better fisherman has never gotten me anywhere. Being a better person has. If you go looking for trouble you will find it. When you are fishing a little off the path, it's probally best to avoid trouble. The Little J is big enough for everyone and there is probally better fishing else where. I've had better success up from that tressel anyway. Those guys will get what's coming to them, it's called karma.

As for the relieving themselves on my car, well that should be reported. These locals will realize that when we "out-of-towners" stop fishing the "LJ" it won't be because of a little ****. The crowds will thin with time for several reasons.

Just got back, what an awesome river we have, fish up in the shallow flats at noon, water is cool but low, lots of room to fish, saw about 4 or 5 cars from the junction to above Spruce, noone on the Harvey water heck I didn't even get shot at or stoned. There were quite a few cars at "that club" didn't see anyone in the water though?? 4 or 5 cars at the Tavern
I just believe that letting people push you around will get you no where in life but pushed around your whole life. I think that if you fight or stand up for what you believe in life that it makes you a better person. There are to many people now a days that want everyone to do everything for them verbal/physical. These are the people that do alot of complaing and never go out and try to change what is making them mad. Which is alot of people on this board..... If I lived near the Little J I would get a whole bunch of my budies together and go fish the little j on the src section just to show that we aren't scared and weren't not going to go away. And everytime one of us went there and had a problem we would have another group fishing trip. :-D that is if they are the ones that are causing the problems if not I would go the the same section as fly flinger :cool:
I am sure there were many thousands of hours spent on the river where the guys had a wonderful experience, unfortunately their are unpleasant experiences as noted, but as some stated don't let this topic keep you from fishing a wonderful river that came so close to being closed to the public. There is lots of room, even during the peak hatches in the Spring.
Wow, an empty snuff can on your roof and somebody allegedly pees on your door handle. I don’t even want to know how you determined that. And then nearly everybody gets all bent out of shape. Beat ‘em up! Report them to the PFBC! Call the State Police! Hell, send the whole CSI team in to check for fingerprints and do DNA testing.

I’d be less worried about snuff chewing, errant peeing locals then some posters around here that seem wound up so tight they’re about to snap. There are more important things to get worked up about then the perceived rude behavior of some people. Believe me, rude behavior is not limited to the LJR and escalating the situation or trying to out do the other just makes things worse for everybody else.
Yeah,thats what Chamberlain[sic] said
I'm not sure exactly where you were fishing, but someone claimed that one of the locals fired shots over his head at the state forest land parking lot just above Baree last year.
So, things could have been worse!