The last time you got skunked



Well-known member
Jun 1, 2015
I was thinking about this one day in February as the fishing was tough. I couldn't remember the last time I got skunked, excluding a musky trip. These are the kind of things that make me wish I kept better logs.
I got skunked Sat. at my local tailwater, I was only out for 45 min. I just tied some Hi-vis foam ants and had to try them out but no takers. I was out Fri morning for about 20 min and caught two small wild browns on a different ant pattern.
I got skunked Saturday fishing the salt.
I've made three smallie trips to the Schuylkill River in the past few weeks and caught one fish (skunked twice).

Water levels have been too high and clarity has been too low when I hit the River...that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I think I was skunked one day in December when I was just checking out a new rod, not seriously fishing. Other than that, it's probably been a couple of years.
never been skunked in my life. Also only catch 20+ in fish
Since the beginning of May my trout fishing "trips" are generally an hour to two hours long, if I'm lucky. They also come during nap time for my toddler and infant, which is generally between noon and 2 PM. Skunked? I don't even know what a trout looks like at this point.

Spring. At the Jam this May. I was there Saturday, the night nothing happened. Probably could have nymphed some fish but I just sat on a log, drank a few beers, and chatted. The bugs never came, the fish never rose. I thought Spring was a sure thing when the sulphurs were on but even Spring can throw a curveball apparently.

I usually average a skunk or two/year, but it's relatively rare.
It happens fairly often for me. Usually it's when I fish a stream that I know has some very big trout, and I only want to catch those big ones. I toss big streamers in the deep pools and if they aren't in the mood, oh well. That strategy has produced 4 browns over 20" so I always feel it's worth committing to while I'm there.

I got skunked one night last weekend fishing live bluegills for catfish. It can even happen with bait!
The last time I got skunked was in February at the letort. I always get skunked a few times each year the last week of August and 1st week of September trying for salmon/steelhead. It's worth it though the earliest fish are always the hottest. I usually get into some smallmouth or sheepshead. on those days as well but I consider it a skunking if I don't catch my intended target.
Skunked on the Gunpowder a few weeks ago.
With rising fish and all.

Good for the soul, keeps me motivated.
Have not been skunked yet this year. Came close a couple of times. I have not kept track the last several years but I am sure I got skunked at least once last year.
I got beat up two out of three days in early may. High water and learning euro nymphing techniques may have contributed a bit to my skunkings. Its all fair. I fish fairly often so taking a skunking now and again helps keep my expectations in check.

I got skunked a fair amount of times but I'm throwing really big streamers for big trout.
It's been a while, but I haven't fished this year as much as I usually do, and I've taken care to put myself in the best positions to catch fish this year. Give it time. Once fall gets here, I'm sure I'll post a few goose eggs.
I've been skunked more this year than probably the previous 4-5 years put together but I have also had the best year of my career for quality fish. Couple skunks in the cold temps, a couple in blowed out rivers streamer fishing but I can't complain.
I rarely get skunked on my local streams in the Poconos, but on my dozen or so forays to the Upper Delaware its about 50/50. To date, that ratio is about the same this year, but I've noticed when I do have success the trout have been larger than in years past, including some real hogs. I'll happily endure a skunking for an opportunity to net a 20" brown/rainbow. :)
I never get skunked....I call it practice:)
When I was in high school (many, many years ago) I ran a trap line and got skunked once which was no fun at all. LOL.

If you count silver trout (chubs, fallfish, suckers, etc) I hardly get skunked but when I get out, I'm usually out for most of the day.

Took the collar the other evening at a spot on a small creek that has been good to me over the years during the summer. It is now a half-hour of fishing at the edge of dark. I used to fish there for an hour or longer after dark, but I now stumble around too much. Anyhow, no risers, no hits on a nymph, but lots of tree crickets and a few katydids making late-summer noise.