The Fly Fishing Shows 2017 - Somerset: 27-29 Jan, Lancaster: 4-5 Mar

Planning on Lancaster Saturday, is there a count for breakfast?
I'll have a booth again at the Lancaster show. Be sure to stop by! It'll be good to see many of you.
What time is brekkest?
Skip Hughes of PHWFF will be at the Lancaster show, both days.
I'm in for breakfast at the Neptune on Saturday.What time ??
I'll be in Lancaster show both days. Hope to say "Hi" to all of you who are going to be there.
I can't believe that it's (almost) March, the end of show season, and practically Spring.

I'll be there on Saturday!
I only live five miles from the Neptune Diner and will be there before the fly fishing show. I will be sporting Carolina Blue. I should be easy to find. Lancaster is Penn State country.

Stop by and say hello. I would like to meet as many board members as possible before the camping trip.

Looks like I'm gonna miss out on breakfast and the show on Saturday due to staffing issues at work. Will miss meeting guys at breakfast more than the show cause I can go to show on Sunday. If anyone wants to do breakfast Sunday chime in.

Have fun tomorrow!!
I went to the show and had a great time. I went to the Neptune Diner around 9:00 am. I don't think that any board members were there. I would have been easy to find since I was wearing a Carolina blue hoodie and a ball cap.

I introduced myself to risenfly, and spent time at Elk Springs Resort and Harman's Cabins in WV.

I got a lot of good information about what to do with my 1964 vintage Orvis Battenkill bamboo fly rod and how to restore it. That was worth the price of admission all by itself. I really want to fish with that fly rod again as a tribute to my grandfather.
Yo Cano

I showed up at 7:00 and had a great breakfast (scrapple = yum). Rick, who has been to our Jams came in after a bit but I didn't recognize anyone else. I left in time to get to the show open at 9:00 so I missed you.

The show was pretty well attended and I ran into a lot of buds. This show is great since having 2 casting ponds means lots of casting time, even when a demo is going on.
The show got pretty crowded and hard to move around. I was telling Risenfly that it would help him that the weather was cold and windy with attendense and he agreed with me.

I'm glad a went to the show. I live
I'll be at Lancaster tomorrow (Sunday).

Anyone who made it today see any good deals? In need of some wading boots since my Simms Guides gave up after 3 years of light use (flat smooth soles was the mechanism of failure, making them slick, the uppers are fine). Also considering a decent reel with backing and line. Don't "need" to get either at the show, but if I see a good price I'd pull the trigger.

I know Somerset is usually better for show deals, but didn't make it.
I had a great time at the show today with my dad. We were there from 9-5:15. Took in seminars by Henry Ramsay, Joe Humphreys, George Daniel, and Jake Villwock. I picked up a few hundred hooks that were sold for $8 for 100. Talked to Risen Fly, Tom Baltz, and our buddies with Lively Legz. Had a great time overall as usual and already excited for next year, lol.

pcray: I didn't notice any deals on wading boots but there was a company with fly reels selling them for at least 25% off.
Yeah sorry, I try to make the breakfast but couldn't. My wife had a breakfast get-together (which I found out about on Thursday night) w/ a bunch of other moms in our homeschool co-op. So I stayed home w/ the kids so she was able to go to that. Then we both had a meeting to be at by 9:30am, which also led to me missing the Donegal Outdoor Show which I was so bummed about!
You didn't miss Donegal Spring Outdoor Show it is on March 18, 2017 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at Donegal High School.
Moosehead_Belle wrote:
You didn't miss Donegal Spring Outdoor Show it is on March 18, 2017 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at Donegal High School.
OHHHH!!!! Thank goodness, I was super bummed. It was this weekend in years past, right? Or am I just losing it completely?
I am going to join the Donegal Chapter of TU since I live in Manheim Township. I should have done this years ago.
Was there today from 9 till 11 or so. Was nice to see Ryan. (Risenfly). Bought a reel, line, couple of shirts. Overall I find the Lancaster show rather disapointing, but better than being at home.

The reel I got, btw, was a 3tand tf50. Think I'm gonna be happy with it, my nicest reel by far. Played with it some this afternoon. Silky smooth, good drag, no start up inertia that I could measure. Most importantly, no obnoxious clicking, lol.

Drove up to TCO and got my boots. Selection of boots at show was pitiful.