The biggest jerk I've ever met

Sip poured.
I currently have three (3) Brittanies ranging in age from 8 to 2.
I would highly recommend getting another one. They tend to help keep you young.
I have never owned any other breed and I have had seven (7) of them in my lifetime. When my 1-in-a-million dog, Rocket passed, I swore that I would never have another to replace him. Well, that was 8 years ago, and as stated above, I have three.
In my humble opinion, you owe it to yourself to get another.

Sorry for your loss. My Griffon had to be put down April 2021 after suffering many ailments at 15 years of age. Great companions are hard to part with. Here’s hoping future man, 5-6 generations from now, can enjoy dogs that live 25 or 30 years.
Losing a pet that is part of the family is a terrible loss. I have ben through it several times. I try to remember the good times not the last days. Sorry for your loss.

He used to roam up and down the porch of the motel and meet the fishermen as they came back at the end of the day. He also pointed at rising fish.... which is kinda like hunting. LoL.

Thanks to everyone for the kind words.
So sorry for your loss. I was saddened and moved when I read your post. In a lot of ways we don't deserve dogs. I had a German Short Hair that used to point at trout along the stream edge! I thought nobody would believe me. BTW after 35 years of marriage without a dog in our family, my wife, who was terrified of dogs, decided we had to buy a dog. We drove all the way up to Albion, NY on Lake Ontario during Covid-19 two years ago and picked up our goldendoodle. She and my wife are inseparable. BTW, I love her too.
I'm very sad to hear this, Andy.

Kramer was a great dog and no dog could ask for a better human than you.
Kramer made his exit in June 2018. His sidekick Cody was the recent loss. I think you saw him doing his version of fishing before.
2 lives enriched
by a bond that many will never experience.
Such a great gift.

Mine was an African Gray Parrot named Biko.
Sheer and simple daily joy, thanks to a friend named Ruth.

Thank you for sharing.
Peace b with u both.
So sorry for your loss. I was saddened and moved when I read your post. In a lot of ways we don't deserve dogs. I had a German Short Hair that used to point at trout along the stream edge! I thought nobody would believe me. BTW after 35 years of marriage without a dog in our family, my wife, who was terrified of dogs, decided we had to buy a dog. We drove all the way up to Albion, NY on Lake Ontario during Covid-19 two years ago and picked up our goldendoodle. She and my wife are inseparable. BTW, I love her too.
Sounds familiar! My wife was always leery of getting a dog due to her allergies. I grew up with dogs and it was tough not having one. We did travel a lot with the boys sports so i always kind of justified it that way. Finally, one day she went to a farm on her own and pushed us to get one. Our golden doodle is named Mya. The boys were all older but better late than never. She has been a godsend to us and our youngest who has struggled a lot. I struggle to think what those of you who lost dogs recently are going through. Hang in there and remember all the good time you brought your dog!