The biggest jerk I've ever met

Sorry to hear of your loss. Take comfort knowing that he had a great life. When I lost my Max last year I was offered this bit of wisdom. "It’s one of the hardest things ever, when the only loving thing left to do is set them free from a body that’s letting them down."
In 3 days it'll be a year since my dog of 13 years died. I spent this evening, til it got dark, throwing a ball for my new puppy. I thought of this thread a few times while I watched my pup run around.
Sorry for your loss. I know what your feeling as I put down my best Friend Max on Saturday Morning.

After 181/4 years of always barking when I would come home from work tonight there was silence....

Comfort being I picked up his ashes after work.
So sorry to hear that Andy, I will miss him.

Sorry to hear that. My guy was quite vocal too and now the silence is deafening. Holding his head while they put him down was tough but I wanted him to know I was there for him. Clearing out his toys, crate and dishes was probably more difficult. I know it will pass quickly but have caught myself thinking of his antics and smiling. Many of you have said that I can know that he was lucky and couldn't have gotten a better owner......I feel like I was the lucky one to have him in my life for 13 years.
My oldest grouse dog(13) is here with her head in my lap as I read your post. Your words brought a tear to my eye and I smile to my face at the same time. A fitting tribute to a fine dog.

Very Very sorry.
You have my heart felt sympathy I have had it happen twice in the last 3 yrs and have gotten another. Couldn't live without my best friends. Just need that company around.

One of the hardest decisions in life is knowing when to let go. I commend you for realizing that your friend and family member has suffered enough. May he "Rest In Peace" and also may the Great Lord grant you another friend and family member when the time comes.
Kray, I am so sorry to hear that. I have tears in my eyes as I type this.

I never met Kramer, but he looked and sounded so much like our Morgan. Morgan was also such a jerk, and a pest. But we loved him so much. He made life interesting.

I had to put him down, but I guess we were fortunate that he went fairly quickly.

On a Friday, I took him to the vet for a checkup and they commented on how well he was at age 12+. Other than going deaf, he was in great shape. Next morning he started stumbling around and within about an hour he couldn't walk anymore. I took him back to the vet, and they said there wasn't much hope. I guess I was selfish for taking him home that day. I made him as comfortable as I could over the weekend, hoping he would get better. He didn't appear to be in pain, he just couldn't get up. I made a sling so I could take him outside from time to time. I slept on the floor next to him for two nights. At times he seemed better, but by Monday he was worse and I knew what I had to do.

I probably would have just buried him in the woods next to Baron (our first Brit), but it was winter. Instead I had him cremated and had planned on spreading his ashes on the farm. But wife still can't part with him.

We still have Jackson who is one of the sweetest dogs ever, but the void that the jerk left behind is huge and difficult to fill.

Jackson just turned 11. He is a great dog, and we love him very much, but they had completely different personalities. Morgan was much smarter, and Jackson was the straight man in the comedy routine.
Recently went through the thing :( If it means anything - he looks content with your decision, and I'm sure it was the right time.
Sorry for your loss my friend.
So sorry to hear of the loss of your best buddy Andy. I have been there and done that and it is never easy.
Remember the good times. Over time,the memories wash away the loss.
Sorry to hear about your loss. I had to do the same thing with my buddy for the past 14+ years this past week. The absolute right thing to do but that sure never makes it easy.
Ahh man tough day.
Sorry for your loss.

Hate to hear it, Andy. My 15 year-old George is drawing pretty near himself.
My condolences Andy. A very good dog.