The Assault Continues...

Swattie87 wrote:
This post in turn should not be taken seriously, at all...

But this thread gets my vote for Thread of the Year 2016 so far. It had it all...what more could you ask for...

FTA Hijinx.
Sal(velinusfontinalis) taking his tippet and going home.
Sal(monoid) being the philosophical voice of reason.
pcray well, pcrayin'.
kray biding his time then dropping a whopper of a post.
Me mentioning my Mini. (That doesn't exist.)

All we left out is someone throwing a chub at Squatch, and Becker's cat eating a Gemmie.

Doesn't get better than this folks.

Dang, I have not even opened this post before. Saw a 11 pages on my prep time at school and decided to open it up. Saw my name and just started laughing.

I try not to feed my cat Gemmies. My racoon gets jealous and he is a real arsehole when mad.
"Dang, there's a spinner fisherman. I guess fishing here won't have any historical significance for me today. I'll have to find somewhere else to fish?"

No, but...

Let's say we put a single WWII era tank on display at Gettysburg battlefield, would that ruin the historical significance of the entire park? No, of course not. But it doesn't belong there, either.

Look, I admit that FFO is never biologically necessary over ALO. And in most (but not all cases), ALO isn't biologically necessary over AT C&R either. And in almost all special reg areas of the state, I am fully open to taking the "as restrictive as biologically necessary but not more so" approach.

I realize Frank was talking hypotheticals when talking about FFP and the Letort. But these are a few of the examples where you don't really take the biological approach. These are essentially a Mecca among fly fishers nationwide. You can ask a fly fisherman in Montana, who's never been east of the Mississippi, about trout fishing in PA, and they'll tell you about Marinaro's meadow as if they've fished it many times. He shouldn't be surprised at the reaction, it's kinda like suggesting it really wouldn't hurt anything to have a single Protestant mass in the Sistine Chapel.
even if it was Grant or a Sherman? Okay,they weren't there either.
But a Patton was by George--oops not ww2 model-you win Pcray-slow day.
I'm a little late on this discussion but less special regulation areas means the state will have to stock more fish in some areas to meet the demand of the creeling angler. And the PFBC isn't looking to great more demand on stockies. I also doubt that this would be the reason for more people buy fishing licenses. The only positive I see with this is that bait anglers will have more areas to fish.