The 2015 Fly Fishing Shows: Somerset NJ (23-25 Jan) & Lancaster PA (28 Feb-1Mar)



Active member
Sep 9, 2006
Anyone attending? I'm hoping to do Lancaster.

If folks would like to attempt a get together, please reply to this thread for the Lancaster Show. If you'd like to set up a group to hit Somerset, please start a different thread to avoid confusion.

FF Show, Lancaster
I went to both shows last year...I hope to attend both again.
I'm up for breakfast at the Neptune Saturday morning.
I want to do the Lancaster on For Sure
I'm planning to check out the lancaster show this year. Maybe pick up some tying stuff, and possibly a new 4wt if i find one for cheap. I've heard that there are good deals to be found at these shows. Also hoping there will be some interesting presentations on Saturday, which is when I'll be there.
Risen Fly will have a booth at Lancaster so Greg and I will be there all weekend. Depending on our times we need to be there for setup we might be able to make an early breakfast.

Anyone attending the International Fly Fishing Film Festival that will be going on right after the show on Saturday?
I went last year and parking is fine. Better yet had lunch at a great brewpub nearby. Good food - better brew.
I will be milling around Lancaster this year.

can we do breakfast at lyndon diner this year?

anyone interested in hitting a great taphouse on saturday night? Federal Taphouse has a location a few blocks up on queen. over 100 craft brews on tap. very good.

Federal Taphouse sounds worth a visit…but I have changed my ways and no longer "hit" / rob places…

so I guess I will stay clear of there Saturday. Best of Luck!
c'mon man!
If I can make it I'd be in for a beer or two at the Taphouse. I'll know better about my schedule in a week or so...
I'll be tying at the Lancaster show. Sharing a table with Dean Myers of Come by and say "hi." Not sure about dinner plans for Saturday evening yet.
salmonoid wrote:
I'm up for breakfast at the Neptune Saturday morning.
Ya man...
I'm going to Lancaster and I'm wondering if anyone's going to have breakfast at the Neptune diner? Let's hear some chatter. ;-)
I'm planning on breakfast at Neptune (this is still subject to change but looks likely).
I'm planning on going to the show for at least part of the day. Breakfast at the Neptune on Saturday morning sounds good.
Meet up at seven sound good John?