That's not good...


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2015
Currently ADK; formerly DWG

Had a size 8 streamer hook in my Griffin Spider tonight, and the jaw exploded. Bummer. Only 2 or 3 years old.

Guess it's time to go see if that Renzetti Traveler is still at my local on discount...
I’m not a promoter of brands of fly tying vices. Definitely spend the money for a good quality one with the amount of tying you do.

With all of the endless choices of hooks these days … yes, Mustad still manufactures a real solid hook!
I've got to say, I've been trying on a Griffin Spider Odyssey for years and years as my primary vice. I've tied many flies, and I've never experienced a problem. I think for the money, that it is a solid vise and I wouldn't hesitate to buy another.

I've actually never owned a higher end, more expensive vise. I hope I never have this happen to my Spider Odyssey. Do you have an "el cheapo" sitting around for the time being?
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I've got to say, I've been trying on a Griffin Spider Odyssey for years and years as my primary vice. I've tied many flies, and I've never experienced a problem. I think for the money, that it is a solid vise and I wouldn't hesitate to buy another.

I've actually never opened a higher end, more expensive vise. I hope I never have this happen to my Spider Odyssey. Do you have an "el cheapo" sitting around for the time being?

For the price, I'm not even really complaining. Anything else that seems quality is at least twice as much, so there's a place for Griffin.

I also just tied a couple more flies on this. It's fine. I reached out to customer service to see what they say. Even if they say "Get bent," I think I've gotten my money's worth. 🤷‍♂️
For the price, I'm not even really complaining. Anything else that seems quality is at least twice as much, so there's a place for Griffin.

I also just tied a couple more flies on this. It's fine. I reached out to customer service to see what they say. Even if they say "Get bent," I think I've gotten my money's worth. 🤷‍♂️
I tried to contact them once about a bobbin I bought at FFP. I went to use to bobbin weeks after my purchase and it was useless. It was missing the ceramic and just cut all thread immediately after any tension was applied. I didn't ask for another bobbin. I didn't complain. I did, however, tell them the scenario and explained that maybe they want to check quality control, etc. I never heard anything from them. That sort of rubbed me the wrong way, their silence, ya know? That's usually not a great sign.

If mine ever breaks I'll move up to a Renzetti most likely.
Dang that sucks. I got a question about fly tying though, what somewhat affordable vices would you recommend that would last a while? I’ve been tying all the flies I use with a 40$ bass pro shop beginner fly tying kit and it’s a piece of crap and makes everything take 10x longer than it should
Dang that sucks. I got a question about fly tying though, what somewhat affordable vices would you recommend that would last a while? I’ve been tying all the flies I use with a 40$ bass pro shop beginner fly tying kit and it’s a piece of crap and makes everything take 10x longer than it should
I would recommend the vise that we are talking about breaking.... Griffin Spider Odyssey.
Dang, that sucks. Hopefully they fix the issue, if not, hope you find an affordable replacement.

That is a good vice too. I use the Nirvana V2 for mine. When this craps out I plan to upgrade.
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Had a size 8 streamer hook in my Griffin Spider tonight, and the jaw exploded. Bummer. Only 2 or 3 years old.

Guess it's time to go see if that Renzetti Traveler is still at my local on discount...
Dear hooker of men,

That sort of sucks and that is why my main vise is a Regal Inex my brother bought me for Christmas 35 years ago. You put a hook in that SOB, and it holds from size 6/0 to size 20.

I bought myself a rotary Dan-Vise a couple of years ago, just for the rotary feature. For half the price of a Renzetti it's easily worth twice the money you will spend. I've tied 4/0's in it and it just sat there an took the punishment! Them Danes are some stout units!


Tim Murphy 🙂
I forgot about Dan-vise and Peak vises. The Dan-Vises are priced in a very affordable fashion, though.
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Had a size 8 streamer hook in my Griffin Spider tonight, and the jaw exploded. Bummer. Only 2 or 3 years old.

Guess it's time to go see if that Renzetti Traveler is still at my local on discount...

I'm not trying to be a wise guy, but the spot where those jaws failed looks seems to be a bit close to the tip of the jaws for the heavy wire of a Size 8 streamer hook...

Just sayin...
That sucks. Kind of a small looking explosion so at least you can still use it while shopping for a different type of vise.

I‘ve been tying on a Griffin vise for 10 years (?) now. The vise was inherited from my father who used it for 15 or 20 years. Griffin makes a vise equal in quality to Renzetti. I’m not saying improper hook placement was the cause but Renzetti jaws break from improper hook placement just like any other vise out there. I own three different brand vises and they all come with the warning that improper hook placement voids the jaw warranty. Renzetti’s also come with the same disclaimer. If my Griffin vise jaws broke at the tip I would get a new set of jaws Before buying a new vise. That’s just me though since I am very happy with the Griffin quality In addition to the great sentimental value it holds.
Just chalk it up to "stuff" happens.....

I bought a Regal vise that ejected hooks and the jaws cracked on it, yet 99% of tyers have had no problems with them over decades of tying. I would guess the temper of the metal for those particular jaws was flawed. It happens.

I've tied all types of flies on a Renzetti Traveler vise for close to three decades and it's still going strong, so I certainly can recommend that vise.
Just chalk it up to "stuff" happens.....

I bought a Regal vise that ejected hooks and the jaws cracked on it, yet 99% of tyers have had no problems with them over decades of tying. I would guess the temper of the metal for those particular jaws was flawed. It happens.

I've tied all types of flies on a Renzetti Traveler vise for close to three decades and it's still going strong, so I certainly can recommend that vise.

I have an early pedastal model Regal vise that the jaws cracked in a couple places near the tips. I could still use it but haven‘t tied any flies with it in a long time. The cracks were not due to my fault, rather it is my understanding is that the jaws on those early Regal’s weren’t heat treated properly which caused many of them to crack. The company subsequently transferred to new ownership and the responsibility for that defect was not assumed by the present owner. I contacted Regal several years back about replacing the jaws but decided that the cost to do that was more than I wanted to spend at the time, so I just use that vise as a paper weight on my tying desk now.

On a separate note, if anyone wants to get one of the best fly tying vises, buy a Law vise. A few come on the market from time to time. A saw earlier this morning there was one for sale on eBay. The guy had it listed for $14,000! But you could also make him an offer. 😃
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