Thanksgiving outing

mikesl wrote:
Great outing, thanks for sharing. absolutley gorgeous fish.

If you can handle a technique question.... obviously you are not spooking the fish with a splashy landing of that jig... Is that because it is actually pretty small and doesn't make too much noise, or you choose your landing spot well (in the plunge / well upstream), or does it splash but they don't spook?

Probably a little bit of all the above. First, I'm using jig heads that are 1/80 or 1/64 oz, so they are no heavier than say a small conehead on a wooly bugger. You can cast them with little surface disturbance. If you want to minimize disturbance, throw them into the head of a pool where you have some water turbulence already. I don't recall spooking many fish; in fact, I only spotted a handful of fish to begin with. The rest, as is usual with browns in small freestoners, were tucked away under and between rocks. On the whole, it is not very much different than fishing a cone or bead head bugger, other than the weight at the head is offset, instead of uniformly distributed. Either dap them beside likely holding spots (rocks) or dead drift them, with a tiny bit of action; basically the same way I fish a wooly bugger, but with slightly less retrieve.

Keep in mind, this is my input based on a one-experience outing :) YMMV.
Nice report and tails on those fish...

Pointed weight ala jig also sinks faster, kinda like a dive versus a belly flop
I missed this post until Dave put it on the front page. Very nicely written and the pics are great. Thanks for the post