Thank You

FD I have stopped many times to help someone on the side of the road. Have never seen a Fishing license lying on the shoulder of the Turnpike. I have also put in 20 plus years as a Volunteer Firefighter.
So, I look for no retribution, but maybe a small bit of respect as you always do.
Would it be OK with Penny if I called you my "Sort Of Bro Friend" ?
I am pretty sure I have never done anything to help anyone else in all my life. But it does warm my heart to know others do.
CAn I be brofriend 2? JBCUE 2 U.
I'M SURE THAT MOT OF US WOULD STOP. When I wasyounger I know that helping someone that was stuck ws being a good neighbor. Wife and I returned a guys wallet and he wanted tgive me some $, I refused. Just said "pass it on". Thereis still a lot of good in this world.
Glad things worked out for your wife and daughter. GG
pro4mance wrote:
FD I have stopped many times to help someone on the side of the road. Have never seen a Fishing license lying on the shoulder of the Turnpike. I have also put in 20 plus years as a Volunteer Firefighter.
So, I look for no retribution, but maybe a small bit of respect as you always do.

I agree 100%, and if you re-read what I said above, you will see that I was paying you a complement and showing you respect (cept for the smoke break part).

When I said that you would have done the same thing ... I meant same thing as the guy who helped your wife and daughter.

Signed: Your sort of friend. ;-)
gulfgreyhound wrote:
CAn I be brofriend 2? JBCUE 2 U.
I'M SURE THAT MOT OF US WOULD STOP. When I wasyounger I know that helping someone that was stuck ws being a good neighbor. Wife and I returned a guys wallet and he wanted tgive me some $, I refused. Just said "pass it on". Thereis still a lot of good in this world.
Glad things worked out for your wife and daughter. GG

Not exactly relevant, but you will find this funny. And I likely told this before, but you likely won't remember.;-)

Several years ago I was replacing my chickens. I had about 2 dozen I needed to get rid of, so I offered them to an Amish widow up the street. Her husband had been killed a few years earlier by a drunk driver.

It just so happened they were getting ready to butcher a bunch of their own (chickens), so she was very happy and offered me money. I of course refused. I said, I needed to get rid of them and didn't feel like cleaning them. But she said she had to give me something.

Shut up Pennypack, she was a nice lady and as homely as a mud fence. But a couple of her daughters were kind of cute.

Anyway, then she asked if I like pie.

My response: "Look at me. What do you think?"

Next day, one of her kids delivered two pies, ... still warm.

And they were good.
FD I wasn't ranting on you, sorry if it came across that way.
Amish pies are usually very good.