Terrestrials...oh yeah

My apologies I didnt mean to direct that at dryflyguy. I had nice exchanges of information with him. I actually didnt mean that in a response to his post. Sorry, dryflyguy!

Dryflyguy, thanks for the suggestion on the pattern. Id like to do something like that for a Dobsonfly pattern for night action.

Pro4mance, good stuff. Maybe theyll flyfish someday.

Salvelinus, I too hope to see you on the river. I apologize for any misdirected posts.

MattBoyer, you are correct. I apologize for that. Didnt mean it to go that route. Dryflyguy is a solid dude and an intelligent fisherman with good data packed posts.

Sandfly, Thats cool that you were a guide....Id like to do the same thing.

SBecker, I believe we started off on the wrong foot. I admit when I first got on here that I accidentally put up posts that were business oriented...didnt realize it wasnt forum legal. I understand that this is not the place for that as the forum would be inundated with people trying to sell stuff...So for that I apologize...mr. Pre K LOL....Im just busting you dude. No hard feelings on my end.
Sasquatch, I believe I can ditto what I wrote to SBecker. I understand why you guys were a little pissed. or maybe alot. It was not done intentionally to try to be sneaky. It was purely an accident and I hope we can agree that I have since discontinued with those type of posts. Just trying to contribute from here on out. I have actually found myself semi-addicted to this forum for the last 2 weeks.....you guys suckered me in hahaha.
I'm not pissed at all. I don't think I even saw the original post.
Was the two posts...one for the two flies and one for the two leaders with a link to my web. They got "nuked" pretty quickly.