Terrestrials...oh yeah



Jun 27, 2014
This is a butterfly with a tungsten head ooooh yeaah
Just kidding its a pin i tied for the old lady! Thoughts? Anyone else ever tie on a pin...


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You could attach it to a hook and use it for a night fly. I'll bet a big fish would take it
Whattya think, fished under an indicator? Or maybe as an anchor on a Euro set up... Sorry, this is my first fly I havent even started tying them on hooks yet. Any advice is much appreciated...
Oh wait i forgot about these couple that i tied up...


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DyberryBrookies wrote:
Oh wait i forgot about these couple that i tied up...

You're a strange man...
Nah just sick of being accused of being underqualified to be a guide, or a fraud, or scam artists, or spam artist, or a person with malintent. I got chewed for not fishing terrestrials, I didnt say I dont know what they are or how to fish them....I simply said I dont because I chose not too. But this very rapidly became I didnt know anything about terrestrial fishing and that I was ignorant towards them entirely. Are you kidding me? Terrestrials....you mean big foam sunny poppers that you flip into a likely holding spot and wait for a trout to grab it. Thats a joke right...considering someone inexperienced at the entire sport of flyfishing because they chose not to carry of fish with foam poppers...incredible. Leave it to the head hunters and scavengers, theyll eat anything.
Oh and I know they are not true poppers... I am exaggerating. I apparently have to clear that up because the next rant will be something like this...." See he doesnt know what they are, he thinks they are poppers!" What a bunch of crap.

You need to relax. I understand your frustration with the 1% that have been harassing you, but relax. They are just a bunch of j@&$@553$ anyways.

Do you have a guide lic? If not that would leave you to be under qualified no matter if you know your stuff or not.
I do fish the lack, love the river. Someday I'll get a hold of ya and we can fish. I admit though, when the river is slow and it can be, I tend to find a good bank and drink a few as the water rolls by.

Nothing like big fish on dries though.
Oh no he's being picked on again.
Actually, this looked like preemptive retaliation to being picked on.

Nice pin btw, I really like it. I'd actually say though it looks more like a cool moth than a butterfly.
I have tied earings for my daughter
Just a heads up, you just kinda raged on the third nicest guy on this board. Dryflyguy has been around for a long time and fwiw, I think he was being serious about using it as a night fly. If you're gonna fire away at people, you could at least aim in the right direction. ;-)

I could not tell how well the flies are tied, to blurry to see clear therefor no comment. I was a guide for 20 years no big deal.
Damn. And I thought I was the third nicest guy on this forum. There goes my self esteem.
CLSports wrote:
Damn. And I thought I was the third nicest guy on this forum. There goes my self esteem.

I was gonna give ya second, but whatev's dude. ;-)

Who's the first and second nicest guys on the board, Boyer!?

This is ridiculous. Preemptive posts to deter criticism. Move this to OT haha!
MattBoyer wrote:
Just a heads up, you just kinda raged on the third nicest guy on this board. Dryflyguy has been around for a long time and fwiw, I think he was being serious about using it as a night fly. If you're gonna fire away at people, you could at least aim in the right direction. ;-)


Thats what I was getting at.
I rate myself around 751st. Just gotta get by my ball busting.
Haha Squatch, you were one of them, but now you called this thread ridiculous. This might require the maths now. :)
