Tent Camping/Fishing

Yes, the sulphers have started.

Agreed with above. The tunnel is a half mile UP from you or so. The road that goes through the center of the campground, across Poe Creek. If you continue out a half mile or so, you get to a group of camps where that road ends.

Angling downstream from the road is a bike path/hiking trail that goes across a walking bridge over Penns and through the tunnel. Through the tunnel suddenly puts you about mile downstream of where you just were, as the stream does a huge horseshoe bend in that area and comes back on itself.

Through the tunnel and left, i.e. going further downstream, is the artificial lures stretch. It's good water. Big long pools. Heavy pocket water in between. A few places where it splits around islands and makes some good runs. It's also very famous water.

Through the tunnel and right, i.e. upstream, is another option. It's about a mile of water back up to the campground, and makes a nice day trip. IMO, the first half of that is really nice water, with riffs and runs and a nice pool or two, good nymphing water. The latter half of it, the area that parallels Havice Valley Road, is a big long slow pool that I'm not all that fond of.

Or, instead of going through the tunnel, you can continue up the road, past the gate, and follow the stream up. The water up there is pretty good as well. The road just runs into the water at the bottom of what is called old bridge pool (bridge no longer there), which is a good pool, and there's some good water both below and above that pool as well.

The area right next to the campground, and on up to the walking bridge, is a lot of flat water that I'm not all that fond of. That's not to say there's no fish. When I've camped there and stopped to build fires and make dinners and do camp stuff, I've always kept a rod at the ready and kept a good eye on the water. Rising activity demands a few casts!
The gauge says Penns Cr. is running at 320 cfs today, which is a very good flow rate. Does anyone know if it is muddy right now with all the rain? If so, is it likely to be reasonably clear by tomorrow morning (Saturday). I will be up in the area tomorrow as well.
Pics I saw from yesterday showed nice color....though could be a roll of the dice for tomorrow depending how big today's rain event is.

Luckily, there's a couple local flyshops you could check with in the a.m.....Feathered Hook, Penn's Creek Angler; maybe even support them by stopping in while you're there.
Tups wrote:
The gauge says Penns Cr. is running at 320 cfs today, which is a very good flow rate. Does anyone know if it is muddy right now with all the rain? If so, is it likely to be reasonably clear by tomorrow morning (Saturday). I will be up in the area tomorrow as well.

I think it will depend on exactly how much localized rain the stream gets. Penns is fickle, so a big storm in the surrounding areas won't affect the stream as much if it misses the mountains. The opposite is also true... the stream could get blown out if a localized storm stalls over the valley.

I think a half inch or so of rain could actually improve stream conditions. If we get to around one inch or so, then it's a different story.