Taunted by teens at New Cumberland Borough Park

PennKev wrote:

Most kids aren't on drugs.... ....they're just assholes all on their own.

Exactly. When a boy hits puberty, his brain switches off for about ten years, or at least that part of his brain that controls impulses. There's a reason for the saying "boys will be boys." Most of us grow out of it.
At some point these "punks" are going to mouth off to the wrong person and the result will not be good for them....
That's a tough spot to be in but walking away was your only option. Getting into fist a cuffs with anyone under 18 and you might be the one getting arrested.

I worked in a prison for 26 years and have been insulted and
assulted but you got to remember they're the ones who got mental problems. Don't take it personal they'd done that to anyone. When they do get to prison those tough guys all want their Mom. lol
BruceC2C you did the right thing, its a shame the younger generation of kids are treating people today, I think on level ground that probably never would of happen , this hits home to me I live in Allendale and fish once in a while down back of my house, if you ever need a get a way place swing into Allendale and go down winding way the creek is down the road, you kept the situation to a low boil with no physicality. Especially with minors. Great Job.

scs_browntrout wrote:
... its a shame the younger generation of kids are treating people today, ...


There have always been kids who are bad and kids who are good. Nothing has changed except you have gotten older and the perspective is different. Please stop blaming entire generations for a few attitude problems. Its just another form of discrimination. Just like when some say all people are old and grumpy and should just stay home.
tomgambler you make a point, its true discriminating is not the way to go I was bad when I was young, for BruceC2C I would back to that spot in the future he has the right to.
scs_browntrout wrote:
tomgambler you make a point, its true discriminating is not the way to go I was bad when I was young, for BruceC2C I would back to that spot in the future he has the right to.

Don't get me wrong, Those kids were a-holes and VERY were lucky that they got the guy they did.

Most of the kids who do stupid stuff like that aren't even really bad kids most of the time. They're just showing off for each other. Bruce was extremely tolerant and showed good character. Two things we all could practice a little more of.
Horrible, I have had bad encounters near towns around streams, for some reason low life's hang out there.

You said you won't go back, that means they win!! don't do that, just pack a gun in case they get out of hand.
I just read the entire thread for the first time, and commend the OP for handling it right (IMHO)

Then I got to the last part of the OP and the below quote was exactly what I was thinking.

foxfire wrote:
and your vow to "never to go back again"??? Guess who won...and thus emboldened??

It likely wouldn't keep me from going back, and even if it did, I wouldn't admit it. ;-).

You always have a right to defend yourself, in a stand your ground state, when things get physical regardless of how anyone on this forum or anywhere tries to shame you into thinking otherwise.
Once on Neshaminy creek 3 kids were throwing rocks near me while I was fishing. They took off running. About 15 minutes later there was this big splash in the water. I turned to yell at the kids, and it turned out to be a hawk catching a fish.

I think they picked on the right person - Angels must be looking out after those kids and you. If it were someone else, who knows what the headlines of this topic would have read. "Need bail money"

When I was a kid I did alot of stupid things.....but not all the time. Now that I'm older I do a few stupid things.....all the time.
Sorry to hear they tried to ruin your enjoyment of the outdoors. I think the best option is always to ignore them until your safety is truly at risk. Even handing over your wallet is better than spending your retirement savings on legal fees from a self defense shooting. That being said, I would highly recommend the p365 from Sig Sauer. Its so light I forget its even there. Carry concealed because I fish alone into the dark, and I find it easier to take the higher ground knowing that I have the element of surprise and a tool to clear my own path to safety.
Wow! Sounds dangerous out there on the streams. I guess I have been lucky. Have any fishermen had to shoot people to protect themselves in PA or other states?
I don't pack heat but I have been carrying bear spray for the last 5 years or so. There have been a few times it boosted my confidence (this guy comes any closer he gets sprayed), have not had to brandish or use it yet.

Mark C
I once had a BB shower from a shotgun fired on the ridge above me. I was on the lower stretch of the George Harvey section of Spruce Creek. Two shots. I heard laughter afterwards. One yelled, "Wun you waskley wabbit." I didn't run.
The show of force and the purr of the fox. Force wins today but the purr will win forever!

Instead of packing, pack an extra rod in the trunk and invite them to give it a try!
I wouldnt say instead of packing heat, but it would be a nice second option, the extra rod
My wife was shot on our first date. We had gone Bass fishing at my Uncle's pond. It was our first date having just met the night before. I baited the hooks and we were working out way along the West Bank near the old springhouse when "Blammo"! Cupid shot an arrow right clear through her heart. She survived and, there being no cure, has been recovering in our home for the past 43 years.
larkmark wrote:
Have any fishermen had to shoot people to protect themselves in PA or other states?
Does the "extra rod" come with an extra fishing license or are you also encouraging additional civil disobedience...?

If you try it, let me know how the extra rod thing turns out... :roll: