


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2008
Lebanon, PA
Alright, this is pre-mature, but a slight possibility. Looks like I'll be going to Switzerland for work, likely in mid-July, and that much is fairly certain.

What I don't know is how long I'll be there, who (from work) will be going along, how long I'll be there, whether I'll have any time for "fun", whether I'll have a rental car or be chaeffered by others, where I'd be flying into, etc. In other words, the possibility of making a fishing trip is perhaps a long shot. But when those details get ironed out, it's going to happen quickly. So having a little bit of background would be cool, in the off chance that I do get to put together a fly fishing excursion, so that I could put it together quickly. And if I don't, it'd still be cool to know a little so that I can daydream about it during my travels!

The final destination (where the meetings are) is La Chaux-de-Fonds, which is on the western (French) border, WNW of Berne.

Any info would be helpful, including not only streams and watersheds, but also the basics, like what are the streams like, what species, what to expect in July, how do you obtain a license and what are the rules, are guides easy to find, do you know of any websites to do a little research, etc. I really have no idea at all how the fishing scene works over there.
I vacationed there with my wife about 6-7 years ago. We went on a 14 day tour of germany, austria, and switzerland. This was in sept, and we spent about 6 days in switzerland. Very beautiful country for sure.
I didn't check out anything about the fishing. Most of the streams I saw looked like milk from glacier melt. And given the late time of year I was there, I'm guessing they're probably like that most of the time
I've been to Switzerland a couple of times but never fished. I agree with what dryflyguy said regarding the streams. First time I was there in August, it was about 100 degrees out, thought it be refreshing to take a swim in one of the lakes. Jumped in without checking water temp, temp was about 32.1 degrees, almost had a heart attack.

I did get certified in sky diving while I was there, so if you have an interest in that, I could give you some info.

I first saw that photo essay in a discussion over on the Classic Fly Rod Forum, never forgot it.


Judging from the photos, I think I'd take that as a destination over Argentina.
Wow, thanks for that, it looks awesome. Too bad I can't read much of it.

Yeah, after seeing that, I gotta figure out a way to make something happen here.
Pat - Maybe it's changed, but a few years ago Switzerland was no C&R.

That's weird, what's their justification for that?
Elimination of educated trout.
No bait or barbed hooks either.

If you have the chance, go for it. Fishing in the scenery of the Swiss Alps would be a great experience.
you MUST wear lederhosen and bring alpenhorn to jam next year!!!!!

Sounds good.

You'll have to learn Swiss yodeling too, in the "natural yodel" style, not that corny cowboy stuff. I've heard people yodeling here in the US, but never anything remotely like this.

This would sound good around a campfire.


Pat - the PETA types in Germany and Switzerland consider that ffishing for fun is cruel to the trouts.

That native/wild Swiss yodeling was compelling. I have sounded like that during a severe cluster headache... or else it sounded that way when I crushed the melody.
Now I really want to go to Switzerland! My wife has family there, as well as Deutschland...free place to stay...just gotta get there...
I have been to Switzerland six times bicycle touring, hiking, cross country skiing, and Alpine skiing. Naturally, given my profession and fishing interest I have discussed fishing with a very outdoors oriented Swiss friend. Bottom line...fishing is highly restrictive in comparison to the US. I was even told that at my time of inquiry you could only fish on certain days of the week. Fishing was quite expensive for residents. Unlike in other European countries, I never saw anyone fishing in Switzerland. Can't say if that is the situation now. I recommend hiking for the true Swiss experience; every bend in the trail presents a new post card like scene.
Another cool thing I did while I was in Switzerland was canyoning.

Ok, well, if I do get a free day, this guy is probably my first contact. It's a little far from where I'll be based, but if I get a day, I wanna get down to the Alps. Doesn't look like it'll take any longer than going to central PA from SE PA on a day trip, which is TOTALLY worth it to fish the freakin Alps.


Have my doubts about the yodeling, but I could get into the alphorn.
I see he's located in Wilderswil. You will be able to get there fast and efficiently by train, with the freedom to enjoy scenery that you won't get from a car and the opportunity to make it a full day, sleeping , if needed, on the way back.
I was very impressed with the modern rail system they have in switzerland. It seemed to me, that you can go just about anywhere you want by train.

Pat - I could really picture you in lederhosen, along with one of those alpine hats with a feather in it