
I believe that you still have to take a test for a permit in Switzerland.

Like in some states in Germany...

Don't overlook the other side of the border - fishing in Austria, France or Italy is much easier and it can be c&r.

I did find this guy on google - swissholidayhouse.com he seems to speak English and can help you plan.

Wild browns and grayling should be your targets.

I also found this article :


Gourmetfly.com has been featured as a guide in a number of UK fly fishing mags.

If you have vacation time after the work trip, go to Austria.
Again, the trip will be on the western side of Switzerland. Probably flying into Geneva, and going NORTH for work. It's not that unfeasible to go to central or southcentral Switzerland to get more into the Alps, but a trip east to Austria is likely out of the question.

France is possible.
pcray1231 wrote:

France is possible.

France is about 6 miles away - the river doubs forms the swiss french border there. upstream at La Goule seems to be one of the best sections for trout and char.



also, sunset there is about 9.30pm so 'dark' will be around 10pm. plenty of time to fish after work/dinner...
Just an update. Plans finalizing. Flying in Monday the 8th. Free from work starting Thursday morning. Flying home, from Geneva, early Sunday morn. So I got all day Thurs/Fr/Saturday to myself, but Thurs will start in La Chaux de Fonds and I need to be in Geneva by Saturday night.

I contacted (through his website) the guy from upstream fly fishing (also owns the swiss holiday house mentioned, same guy). But have yet to recieve a reply. Been a week. Tried again yesterday. Don't know if maybe the website is old or something, or if he's just on vacation. Ashame, because that's the direction (to the core Alps) I wanted to head anyway, and I'd rather do the mountain streams than the chalk type streams.

If, by Saturday, I don't have a reply, I will probably contact the French option. With hopes that I could do something on Thursday, leaving me Friday-early Saturday to get down to the core of the Alps.
You dog...


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Lucky you!
Don't know if you plan on just some plain old sight seeing. But probably our favorite spot there, was a little town called Zermatt - which sits close to the base of the matterhorn. We spent just 2 days there, but wish we could have stayed a lot longer.
My wife lived in Switzerland for a year...but she doesn't fly fish so no help there.
Yeah, I saw Zermatt and thought about going down there. Interlaken is probably a more likely jumping around point, though. I don't have forever, and getting to Zermatt would be spending more time travelling, less time for fun. But from Interlaken you can see many of the sights north of Zermatt.

That's kind of why I wanted to do the Alps trip instead of the French options. It's in the direction I wanted to go anyway. Afish's picture is from the guide I am trying (unsuccessfully) to contact. But it just doesn't look right to me!!!! Where's that water coming from?, lol.
Wow... what a beautiful place to fly fish! I always dreamed of traveling to Switzerland and Austria. Please take pics so I can experience it vicariously through you, if I never make it over. And be sure to drink a lager or two or three served by a beautiful biermädchen!
pcray1231 wrote:
Yeah, I saw Zermatt and thought about going down there. Interlaken is probably a more likely jumping around point, though. I don't have forever, and getting to Zermatt would be spending more time travelling, less time for fun. But from Interlaken you can see many of the sights north of Zermatt.

That's kind of why I wanted to do the Alps trip instead of the French options. It's in the direction I wanted to go anyway. Afish's picture is from the guide I am trying (unsuccessfully) to contact. But it just doesn't look right to me!!!! Where's that water coming from?, lol.

Interlaken is a really cool town. That's where I did the skydiving and canyoning. Lots of younger people. Balmers is where I've stayed everytime I've visited. Very cool place and loaded with people from all over the world.
