Switching flies

Yeah, everybody's different. And many of us enjoy fly fishing for completely different reasons. There's sometihng elegant to me about building my own leader with surgeon's knots - a ring of metal being involved in there, however miniscule, ruins this elegance. I appreciate their usefulness, but still don't like 'em. Furthermore, the challenges one person may overcome by using them may not be challenges for others. My flies are weighted - I rarely use shot. I always use the sticky foam roll-on indicators that everybody hates too... I can usually snip off a tippet section, re-attach fresh tippet via surgeon's knot, and even tie on another fly with an improved clinch in less than 60 seconds. Over the years I've gotten very good at doing this and have overcome the drawbacks regarding speed and ease of tweaking my setup. Now, when you're talking about the IC vs Trilene in knot strength, I'm all ears. If the Trilene is indeed 30% stronger than the IC, I'll have to look into changing my ways a bit.

I've read many of HA's posts and from them I gather that he's a well-accomplished and knowledgeable fly fisherman. I read the "outing" threads and have considered participating, but have found in the past that I am a poor teacher and explainer and my somewhat unconventional tactics would only confuse those I was trying to help. Maybe one of these days. I did have the occasion to float the Lehigh with forum member beeber this past weekend and I think we enjoyed each other's company. Although, we were floating down a river in spearate crafts fishing - not necessarily getting to know one another. Also challenging when relating to other fly fishermen is that, at 33, I'm just a "kid" to most of y'all...

Anyway, I do appreciate the friendly discourse, and again apologize if I woke up a bit grumpy - my first post this AM reflected that!
Anyway, I do appreciate the friendly discourse, and again apologize if I woke up a bit grumpy - my first post this AM reflected that!

Foxy always provides the COFFEE!

Thanks all for the posting of the benefits of tippet rings
I've read many of HA's posts and from them I gather that he's a well-accomplished and knowledgeable fly fisherman.

Huh????? :lol:

I read the "outing" threads and have considered participating, but have found in the past that I am a poor teacher and explainer and my somewhat unconventional tactics would only confuse those I was trying to help.

Most of us a confused already so I don't think you'll do much harm. On a serious note, if you live in the region, and don't want to teach any of us, just show up for the fishing and good comradery. You'll have a good time even if you don't catch any fish ;-)
Stagger_Lee wrote:
just show up for the fishing and good comradery. You'll have a good time even if you don't catch any fish ;-)

I do peruse the OT forum now and then Stagger - I would just hope I wouldn't have to listen to you go on and on about American politics in person!! :lol: :)
Strangely, when board members get together, we rarely discuss politics, economics, or any of that crap that goes on in the OT board.

Part of it is that though we disagree politically, we actually do like each other, and everyone involved prefers not to ruin it by arguing. Heck, I think Stagger could even get along with Jack in person.
Stagg, Confused at the outings? What was so confusing about a fellow who started fishing before I was born, casting a fly over 100 feet with a $200 rod and little effort???

Before re-entering FFing, the Trilene was my go-to knot for bass, flounder, etc., and it's never had it fail me. On size 26 and smaller hooks, though, it can be tough to get a second pass through the hook eye. The Orvis knot is 95%, I believe, and only requires one pass through the hook. I still fumble a bit with it, but I keep practicing.

I do peruse the OT forum now and then Stagger - I would just hope I wouldn't have to listen to you go on and on about American politics in person!!

A wise fox once told me fish are apolitical :)

Nah .. we just had a good time and I rarely bring up politics or economics unless someone asks me a question. Hasn't happened at any jam (as we discussed fun stuff :) when not fishing).

Just don't ask me to go out for a a few beers afterward. Wine may do b/ you can just cork my mouth up if I won't shut up.
pcray wrote:

Strangely, when board members get together, we rarely discuss politics, economics, or any of that crap that goes on in the OT board.

Part of it is that though we disagree politically, we actually do like each other, and everyone involved prefers not to ruin it by arguing. Heck, I think Stagger could even get along with Jack in person.

Yea .. still very new but fishing is a way to just get away from all the bs in life and just have fun if your with a group

I agree 110% abt having different views, no matter how opinionated and strong those views may be. If I didn't like the majority of people who disagree with me on politics, economics, etc .. I would have no friends, no wife, and no life in general.

Of course that would give me more time to fish so you may have given me an really good idea :-D
Kabutt, I would encourage to join our outings. They are not just for newbies and everyone's experience is certainly appreciated. I think you would enjoy meeting many of us and once you've met me, you'll then know why "Fox Bashing" is a forum wide sport. :)
Flyfishing and politics do not mix! ;-)
pcray1231 wrote:
Strangely, when board members get together, we rarely discuss politics, economics, or any of that crap that goes on in the OT board.

Part of it is that though we disagree politically, we actually do like each other, and everyone involved prefers not to ruin it by arguing. Heck, I think Stagger could even get along with Jack in person.

If you can't get along w/ Jack in person, you ain't right in the head!
Sasquatch wrote:

If you can't get along w/ Jack in person, you ain't right in the head!

Kabutt wrote:

Why not just use a surgeon's knot to attach tippet to leader?

Damn...I hate to break up Heritage Ed and Fox's sentimental moment...

I do just use a double surgeons to attach tippet...That blood knot thing is just a fraternity prank....

And pay attention to McFinn's suggestion of the Davy's knot. Davy Knot, Knot Davy