Swap Photos



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Alright I got them done. Sorry for the delay guys. Life has been crazy with sick kids. sick pets work .. all that blah. I had some free time tonight and took the photos and created a down and dirty web page to host them. I thought that I would unburden JackM from this duty.

I will update the pictures with the recipes when I get a little more time.


Again thanks to all that participated.
Wow, that's some nice tyin' guys!
I can't see them all...looks like some of the pics are cut off on the right side (I'm guessing thats where the rest are) but there isn't a scroll bar to move them into view.
Anybody else have this problem?
I'm having the same problem. I can't see all of the far right column.
Oh yeah...I didn't notice that but I do have scroll bar to just drag over.
nice tyin ya'll -- -i must say, im a bit intimidated for the streamer swap!
I changed the site settings. I think it may view better now.
Nice pictures! All Great ties guys!