Susquehanna River article on anglers that think the river isn't impaired.

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date


Active member
Sep 9, 2006
Just deplorable to blast the PFBC when they have been one of a few fighting for the river, so guides can tackle shops can fish over spawning fish and hold tournaments.

Money money money!!! They might be as bad as the people destroying it for money money money!
Fish baby fish!
The Raymond guy has videos on Youtube of himself roaring around the river in a jet boat. He brags how he can go into the shallows and then proves his claim by tearing through the gravel area etc. He no doubt is tearing through spawning habitat in his quest for glory and $.
You can tell from the lousy blasting rock soundtrack, hero pics and the ridiculous jet boat destroying habitat that he is no nature lover.
More habitat destruction in the "Rockzilla" WOO HOO!!!!
Speaking as one pretty firmly in the camp that regards bass fishing in the lower Susky to be improved. . .I still agree with Arway that we need continued vigilance. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that angler complaints originally got the attention of the PFBC a decade ago when the bass crash began. Today, more and more anglers are noticing good fishing. Interesting.

In the case of this article, the main point of contention seems to be the closure to fishing during the spawn and the concern from guides that the constant drumbeat of negativity from the PFBC is driving off business. While I can't speak to the guiding/business angle, I certainly wouldn't lift the spawning protections and C&R anytime soon.
I noticed he was standing in the first video while underway. That is a violation. Hope the PFBC catches the d-bag.
Salvelinus and foxtrapper,
You guys crack me up. I can understand your point about the negligence in repeatedly running over potential spawning grounds, but he may not even realize what he is doing there. Education is often better than defamation. He's having fun running an awesome inboard jet around through the shallows. Little d-bagish? Maybe, but i used to do the same thing and it's a lot of fun.
Also, the guy is probably standing so he can see what's in front of him. Try running a jet boat through very shallow boulder strewn rapids at 30-40mph while sitting down. It's difficult and very dangerous in my experience.
evw- Sal said nothing about the guy. I am simply making an observation that the guy in the article, Raymond, is complaining that PAFBC regs to protect spawning bass are hurting his bottom line as a fishing guide. He is offering his "expert" opinion but in reality cares little about the river or the things living in it. The river is just a moneymaking playground for him and his ilk. Just my opinion. PAFBC should not pander to his nonsense. Look where/when he catches a lot of the big bass he films for his hero videos. Yanking stacked up bass out of the wintering holes isn't all that hard and it says nothing about the health of the river overall.
The next time we get a severe drought with very low flows and hot temperatures, then we will get to see the health of the Susque.

The years with moderate flows and temps through the summer are not a test.

The big die-offs from disease occurred in conditions of very low flows and high temperatures during a severe drought in the summer.

Just as troubtbert said... we happen to be on an upswing currently due to many factors. But it won't take much more than spring floods at the wrong time of year or a hot summer with a long drought to potentially get us back to the bottom. With favorable conditions, yes we're seeing more fish survival, for now.
Have there been any substantial changes made in the watershed to improve water quality since the time of the die off, which was in 2005?

If not, then there is no reason to think that the situation for the river today is much different than in 2005. The difference in the smallmouth bass populations would be attributable only to differences in the weather.
I can't help but feel that all those Flathead catfish that are being fished for now aren't helping the bass populations.
I'm sure the don't help but I doubt they really hurt them too. Flatheads and smallmouth co exist just fine in other watersheds for a much longer period than in the Susquehanna .
How about Raymond guides for flatheads in the closed bass season? He can roar around from place to place to show off his boating skills between ripping lips on some ugly flatheads. And they're delicious so his clients can go home with a stringer full.
Did everyone know that flatheads are considered game fish? In other words don't just throw them on the bank anymore....They are to be eaten or released according to the fish comm.
How about the rock bass population that has completely tanked in the river... Rarely ever do u see them anymore. Sure the bass population is getting a little better. Goons need to figure out a way to catch them in the other 10.5 months. IMO the season closes too late... It should close beginning or mid April to protect the spawn most years honestly.
A little more detail would be helpful, as the river is long. Where are you saying that the rock bass population has collapsed and how long ago are you suggesting that it was good?
There is plenty of detail on the PFBC website, with approx dates and locations about the Rock Bass decline.
Tjones - Absolutely correct. Rock Bass in the lower Susquehanna are few and far between. Also where are the sunfish? Green Sunfish and other ones were once very common in the lower river. The media and PFBC focus on Smallmouth Bass once again keeps people from understanding that it's the whole watershed that has suffered and all its living things.
When was "once" in your comment above? As for the "lower River," the stretch that interests me most with respect to any changes in rock bass abundance that anglers might have observed extends from York Haven Dam (Falmouth) downstream to the state line. Did you find that rock bass and/or redbreast sunfish were once abundant there and when was that?
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
There is plenty of detail on the PFBC website, with approx dates and locations about the Rock Bass decline.

Did they stop letting people post on here . Or did people lose interest.