Susquehanna/Juniata Smallmouth



Active member
Sep 11, 2006
Hey all,
I haven't been able to do any fishing this year for smallmouth on the Susquehanna or Juniata. In the previous couple years it seemed the fish populations were down on these rivers. At least according to some. I haven't really read anything on here about the populations this year.

We have a topic going as to how the trout have fared this summer. My question is how have the smallmouth fared this year on these two rivers? Is it better than last year or the same? Like I said, I have not seen any articles or anything on here. Just curious. Thanks!

Based on my experience and that of others whom I fish with, the smallmouth fishing on the Susquehanna in central pa., north of Harrisburg has been significantly better this year than last year. It should only get betting in the coming weeks after the flood waters recede.
Good to hear! It was sad hearing how these rivers were hurting in recent years. Maybe it was the high water 3 to 4 years ago that did in fact hurt the spawn and population?

I know there has been tons of debate on this subject, but I am not sure how agricultural practices would be the sole factor of why the populations have have varied in the last 10 years or so. You would think that would be a steady decline. Not a decline one year and and increase a following year. Who knows? Not me. That is for sure.
Hopefully, the improvement continues.

Until the PFBC releases to the public the survey data on these rivers for the last couple years we will not have a good picture of population structure.

I have not been out on these rivers this year as much as most years so take this for what it's worth:
My own fishing focus on these rivers tends to be predominately on the lower Juniata and the Susky just above H-burg: both treated me about the same this year as last year (so far). Generally, I did poorly this year during the pre-spawn and summer fishing has been a mixed bag.

(Some tributaries and small creeks have been on fire, however.)
Its all about the Eels man
Dave_W wrote:
Until the PFBC releases to the public the survey data on these rivers for the last couple years we will not have a good picture of population structure.

I have not been out on these rivers this year as much as most years so take this for what it's worth:
My own fishing focus on these rivers tends to be predominately on the lower Juniata and the Susky just above H-burg: both treated me about the same this year as last year (so far). Generally, I did poorly this year during the pre-spawn and summer fishing has been a mixed bag.

(Some tributaries and small creeks have been on fire, however.)

My SMB fishing in the J and Susky Rivers overall has been decent this season, not bad, but not great either. I've had most days out with okay "numbers" caught, but mostly smaller fish with a few decent ones mixed in most days. This bodes well for future years.

I will say the fishing reports I have read have been a little above average for both rivers. But, as Dave W stated above, it's really hard to accurately assess the smallie population in the rivers without the PFBC sharing the survey results of this season as well as the past several years.

The lower part of the river (york county) has been much better this year. Good numbers and mixed sizes of smallies. Let's all hope it stays that way for a few years.
I've only been out a couple of times but it's definitely better than last year. Higher numbers caught, all sizes from 5" - 19" and more fish 15" or better in 2 floats than I had in 15+ floats last year.
The lower J is almost unfishable (prior to the flooding) due to weed / grass growth. About the only thing you could fish was poppers or gurglers and they'd be swamped in grass after 2 strips. Lots of cover for the YOY to feed and grow.