SURVEY: Snake Atacks?

That's right Paul........My dad got bit by a rattler while bass fishing. Mostly cause he stepped on it while trying to get to that next spot......LOL. It just caught his boot and jeans. Not even a scratch. Hit him a little then ran scared and probably slightly squished.....LOL. I actually pissed on a copperhead once not knowing it was there. I was bass fishing in april and walked up this hill away from the lake to take a leak. there were lots of rocks so i was looking at all the sunny spots. stood on two rocks and started my business and was very unpleasantly surprised when a big honking black and brown snake started hauling butt into a hole under the rock i was standing on. I alsume it was a copperhead but i didn't get a good look. talk about being close to cardiac arrest though. Gives me the hebbie jebbies remembering that. Walked up on a rattler sunning on a trail when I was a kid. He rattled and I gave him as much room as I could while staring at the ground everywhere...LOL. That was up at Cook Forest a long long time ago though. Every one I've run across was as afraid of me as I was of him!
Found the bees that bit my dog and made her face swell up. One bit me on the toe this morning and it still aches. Ground hornets!!!

Saw some interesting facts. More people die of bee stings then from snake bites. Sorry snakes still make every muscle in my body seize.
Driving to and from the stream is much more dangerous than anything you encounter while fishing.

This rattler warned me against trespass on a northern MD stream on July 4. However, I am much more gruesome looking than anything else he is likely to have seen, and so he high tailed it back up the streambank. (note: water temperature was 59F).

Your snake appears to be a Northern Copperhead, at least from the clothes he's wearing. Unless you saw/heard his rattle. In that case, I defer to you.
No shake, no roll, but plenty of rattle. Glad he was a rattler--I would never have noticed him without that noisemaker on the tail. Actually comforting that the rattle could be heard above the stream noise.

Also, better a rattler than a Northern Brown Water Snake, at least if you are a trout.
Well, chalk that up to a blonde moment on my part! I didn't look closely enough at your avatar, in which the rattle is pretty clear. :oops: That hourglass pattern is so similar to a copperhead. Anyway, I am grateful that I have run into neither on the stream. The only rattlesnake I ever saw in person was up near Cherry Springs a few years back, when I spied one crossing the road.