Support for Temperature gauge on Little Juniata



Active member
Dec 3, 2006
LRJA has been throwing around the idea of placing a temperature sensor on the Little J. One option is to upgrade the USGS station above Spruce Creek. The initial installation cost is reseasonable but the yearly maintenance cost would be around $3600 a year. This includes posting the real time data to the Internet along with the flow information. I think in the overall scheme of things this is probably not excessive but it would be a substantial drain on the group's resources. I am checking around to see how we can garner financial support for this effort. If anyone has any ideas feel free to PM.
I think this information would benefit all who fish the little j especially in the summer. I have a few thoughts how this might be accomplished but the more the burden is shared the easiest it will be to make it happen.
This is simple. Go to the local fly shops. Offer them advertising on the site where the data would be shown in return for them funding the maintenance.
Hard to believe a temperature sensor costs $100 a day for yearly maintenance and good luck getting the usgs to allow a fly shop to advertise....

Actually that could potentially solve future funding issues
its not 100 dollars a day, its $10/day
This is being discussed by the LJ River Assoc. Contact Bill Anderson

Also, I'm sure Allen Bright from spruce Creek Outfitters would be interested

Thank both Bill and Allen for being advocates to protect and enhance the LJ. I would bet they both would be interested in such a project.
Albud - Would it still be $3600/year in maintenance if the existing gauge is just updated to include temperature as you mentioned was an option? It would just be one more data point for the USGS to transmit right? (And the additional maintenance on the temperature sensing equipment.)
What would be the purpose of this gauge? Just so you don;t have to drive to the stream or call the local fly shop or check another website? Or read the stream posts? Not saying its a bad idea just don;t understand the cost/benefit.

I believe the LJ River Assoc takes manual measurements. A monitor may be of vale to them. It would also provide hourly (I presume) so it would help to understand how stressed the stream was during warm periods.

I only ever fished the LJ once. As I was starting to enter the water a vehicle pulled up and a fellow got out and took the water temperature. He spent probably 20 minutes giving me a rundown on the current hatches, best stretches, etc. Turns out it was Bill. I haven't made it back but I enrolled as a life member to the association.

If the association created a fund to pay for the monitoring I would contribute.
my mistake above....
Hard to believe that it would even cost $10 a year to fund a thermometer on something that already is there, namley the river gauge and telemetry. No don't let the Gubbers finance it. Do the financial part privately.
You place a thermograph in the stream a guy goes out to check it a couple times a week. The cost of the instrument and software is about $1000. The onlymaintenance after place it in the stream is to replace the batteries when they die.