super agressive trout feeding?

osprey wrote:
Paulson........WOW!!!! What a cool video , Thank YOU!!!

Thank you for the discussion and getting me curious! I am still dumbfounded I never though to research this topic more. Reading more on midges makes it even more interesting and informative. Better yet, I'm going to start keeping my index finger on the fly line to create that movement with out introducing slack into my line. Or, I could try my index and middle finger with the line routed in between them and use a flicking motion with both fingers. This is going to be a good weekend!

So the mayfly life cycle swim patterns and so forth are simailar to the cycle of the caddis as well? Or are caddis mayflies as well? Sorry totally new to the whole bug thing.

I can assume but I won't because its an educated guess. I'm right there with you.
Don't let it overwhelm you , one thing you have to keep in mind is that you need to spend more time just sitting and watching , observing what the fish , bugs and water are doing , at first ..... and don't ever think you've got it all cause you will be humbled by It. You bring back something new from every trip.
Excellent advice, I was getting excited there! I do agree, the first thing I TRY to do is just watch the stream, I am usually too ansty. Either way I learn, but usually the hard way. I will be out this weekend (finally) so I will see what happens!