Success With Toothy Critters - 2018

Nice chain picks Fred. Southeast PA is filthy with pickerel? That is something I wasn't aware of.....northeast PA and into Jersey sure, but I thought chain picks in the southeast were about as abundant as they are here in central PA. Here, but not here, there, and everywhere..
jifigz wrote:
Nice chain picks Fred. Southeast PA is filthy with pickerel? That is something I wasn't aware of.....northeast PA and into Jersey sure, but I thought chain picks in the southeast were about as abundant as they are here in central PA. Here, but not here, there, and everywhere..


Closest Chains in Pa for me are in Chester CO. I literally live in the most south eastern part in Pa, basically on the Delaware border. Upper SE PA has some maybe that is in what he referring to.
Definitely not filthy with them. There are two lakes that I can think of in what I consider SE PA to have them in good numbers, but most would be bordering NE PA.
I wish we had more pickerel in SE Pa from the standpoint of ice fishing, but we do not have many in SE streams, rivers, or public lakes. Fishable populations exist in about 10 or so public lakes plus parts of the upper Schuylkill River. Eliminate Schuylkill Co and you are down to a few public lakes of which I am aware that have reasonable populations.......Lake Towhee, possibly Lake Warren, Leaser Lake, possibly Chambers Lake, Hopewell Dam, possibly Scotts Run Lake. Nockamixon's population has greatly diminished such that they are not worth targeting, at least not on their own. They were extirpated from Struble Lake decades ago. There is CP reproduction in the Schuylkill River in the Hamburg-Bern vicinity. Someone introduced CP to Speedwell Forge Lake, so it may be that another lake will eventually be added to my list. The canals also have some.
lower lehigh river, tohickon creek (red fin and chain) above and below noxamixon, Delaware river, peace valley, neshamminy has red fins (caught them in the 70's on) north branch neshaminy, perkiomin creek, lake warren,
Right you are about the Tohickon and it tribs above Nockamixon. Very good...I forgot about those for CP. I was not even thinking about RFP in my response. As for some other waters, I was sticking with the ones with decent populations where one could expect to catch a pickerel and not have it be an unusual event. Delaware and Lehigh Canals might at times also fit into that category.
Definitely Scotts Run! Never got one in Hopewell Lake, but have lost more than one fly to them in Scotts Run.
acesedgley wrote:
forgot that Scotts run is currently drawn down with no end date in sight.

Is it fishable ?
About 6 or 7 weeks ago, on a horrible weather day, I took TrtnBux out in the boat to try & get him a musky while we made fun of flyfishing bro-culture. He didn't, but I did...


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D-nymph wrote:
About 6 or 7 weeks ago, on a horrible weather day, I took TrtnBux out in the boat to try & get him a musky while we made fun of flyfishing bro-culture. He didn't, but I did...

Very nicely done.
For river anglers with access to a larger boat, this time of year is tops for muskies. For guys like me that paddle or wade, on the other hand, the high water conditions have been tough.

Anyway, it's great (and motivating) to see some river musky guys keeping our toothy thread alive. Keep it up!

EDIT: Incidentally, I'm flattered that you took the time to pose the fish just like my avatar. And you even used a fly that imitates a snakehead, since we know that muskies love to munch on snakeheads. Love it! 😎
D-nymph wrote:
About 6 or 7 weeks ago, on a horrible weather day, I took TrtnBux out in the boat to try & get him a musky while we made fun of flyfishing bro-culture. He didn't, but I did...

The bros score big! Congrats!!



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