Streamer Swap 2015

Too funny about the hook DC I sent out two different hooks 6 Light bronze and 6 heavy gold you must have gotten one of the light ones.(I ran out of Gold hooks)Too cool that you got a hook up on the first time.Would be more than happy to send more if needed just PM me.
melvinp wrote:
Too funny about the hook DC I sent out two different hooks 6 Light bronze and 6 heavy gold you must have gotten one of the light ones.(I ran out of Gold hooks)Too cool that you got a hook up on the first time.Would be more than happy to send more if needed just PM me.


There is certainly no reason for you to send anything additional. Thanks again for the great pattern. I've straightened out a lot of hooks over the past few seasons battling some really good carp. The actual strength of the hook itself is usually my weak link in my terminal set up for carp. Streamer time is here guys. The fish are tying on the feed bag preparing for the winter. Don't miss the opportunity to test out some of these great streamers. Really tight lines!
Perused this thread today and was (and am) impressed by the ties I saw.

Nice work gents!
I have a few questions if I may.#1 is for jay do you tie off your thread when you change colors(Have problems with colors blending together when I spin hair)#2 is for Gencon what do you use in your brush thread or wire im still fighting a bit trying to spin longer materails in a dubbing loop.Do you use a tool.I end up with hair all over me and little to none left in my loop.
MelvinP, I used 6/0 black uni thread for my dubbing loop. I did not use any special tools. I made the loop. placed hair in loop, pulled tight, cut off butt ends, grabbed the tail of the loop with hackle pliers and twisted. I tied these pretty full. So it took 3-4 dubbing loops to tie 1 fly. Each loop being around 3'' long.

Hope this helps,


PS to all other tyers I have not seen flys yet. I am sure I will see Tyger this week to get them. I am really looking forward to seeing everyone's flys.
melvinp wrote:
I have a few questions if I may.#1 is for jay do you tie off your thread when you change colors(Have problems with colors blending together when I spin hair.

Kinda...I don't truly tie it off, but I've learned that a half hitch helps between stacks (hypothetically...I did spin the hair in this case), or when switching colors like with this fly. So when I reached my desired location with the first color, I would sneak a half hitch up against the hair. This helps when adding that last clump when you're running out of hook shank and you're worried about holding it all together. Hope that makes sense.
Gencon I guess my trying to do to much at a time and I need to watch some bubbing brush videos and make a lot at one time have all kinds of different critter hide that was given to me .Jay makes perfect sense,Do you spin or just use bunches and not spin when you get to the eye of the hook.Hope you know what I mean.Been playing with tygers pattern alittle to,Used a 3366 mustab in a 6 added 3 glass beads along the shank.Tried to use wire for the bunny strip but couldn't get it through the beads without going over the top of the bead so used thread came out kinda cool ,Thanks to all.
melvinp wrote:
Jay makes perfect sense,Do you spin or just use bunches and not spin when you get to the eye of the hook.Hope you know what I mean.

Ideally, spinning one clump using the red would be my final step. I also was spinning for the rest of the hair work on this fly (as opposed to stacking). But (as we all know how deer hair can be) things weren't always even, so there were times where I had to stack a little clump to fill in the gaps.
Thank you.Have to clean up my tying area before I start trimming dear hair again ends up all over.Good winter project.
Tyger brought me everyone's streamers last night. Thanks guys. All did a great job.

Got all my streamers last night as well from Tyger. I am going to try them out tomorrow on the Lehigh, I'll let you know how All know how I did, thanks again to all for the great flies!
Despite the colder temps, I still managed to get out for about 5 hours on the water yesterday and test out 2 of the streamers I received from the swap.
First one I tied on was GenCons Wolly Bear which turned out to be a solid fly with great movement. The bear hair had some buoyancy to it, so I added some extra weight to get it down deep, the bead head also helped. In the short time that I had this pattern on, I hooked into a nice wild bow on the swing.
+1 GenCon
Second fly I tested out was Laurels Thin Mint Bugger. Tying this one on I knew from the get-go this pattern would acquaint itself with a few fish. As I was fishing downstream in a section that I really didn't think held any fish, I made a cast to a shallow undercut of watercress and out shot a very nice brown that I fought with for only a few seconds until he shook off. The same thing happened with the next couple fish not getting a good hook set. Probably my fault entirely, but I did notice that the tail is about 2x longer than the shank which may or may not of resulted in a short strike.
A few pluses about this pattern is that it got down deep with that beadhead , and the soft grizzly hackles you chose were just right, not too stiff.
Deff 2 great ties Laurel and GenCon, luckily I didn't lose them yet 🙂 so I will continue to put them to good use.
Letort, thanks for the report. Glad you got to get out and sting a couple of fish. If you want to tie some wolly bears I have plenty of bear hair. Would be happy to share some.

I just came across this thread today. I got hooked on streamer fishing back in August, and haven't done much else since. I tie a new pattern before each trip and test it out. It is becoming an obsession. The possibilities for new patterns are endless. I enjoyed reading about this swap and I wasn't even part of it. Count me in on the next one.
I met Pmelle up at the Lehigh in the gorge for some nice fall fishing. This was my first time fishing the Lehigh. Pmelle hooked up early in the day, with Pabrookie94's twist bugger. Here ya go...


Sorry, I am bad at checking my PMs! I replied with details on my ThinMint. For those interested, I used an Orvis faceted tungsten bead that I got on clearance at the Orvis outlet in Lancaster. So it may not be readily available. I also colored the silver bead with a brown sharpie, since i felt like the silver bead didn't match the final pattern. Gave it a bronze look, which I liked. Hope the fish do too!