Streamer Swap 2015

Hey guys. Just bumping this thread back up to top. Its been entirely too quiet for too long for an active swap thread. Maybe we could get some progress reports, photos, recipes etc. to keep the interest going. I should have the Wooly Bombers well over half finished after tonight. I'll try to get a photo and materials list up shortly. How you guys making out?

Fall is a great time to fish streamers for trout but don't overlook that early fall Smallmouth bite where they totally tie on the feed bag. A new arsenal of streamers should be great for that action as well. Looking forward to seeing what you guys have working.
I'm ready to ship. I'll try to post pics.
After this weekend I'll start cranking mine out, last trip up to the Delaware for me
I've been slacking hard. I'm still not set on a pattern, but I'm definitely going to go with something bass-flavored.
Two thirds of the Olive Wooly Bombers are done. I have caught some decent size trout on this pattern but short strikes on the bunny strip tail can be an issue with trout. However, it is a great Smallmouth pattern. I tied up a half dozen of these for my buddy who was taking a trip up to Canada. He fished them with big splitshot on a spinning outfit and cleaned up with them on all kinds of species of fish. Here is the materials list for the Olive Wooly Bomber. As long as you have this fly in the water you are in the game!

Olive Wooly Bomber

Hook: Size 8, Mustad 79580
Thread: 6/0 Olive Dun - Uni Thread
Weight - .015 lead wire - about 8 wraps behind eyes
Eyes: Medium Red Dumbell Eyes - tied Clouser style
Tail: Olive Bunny Strip
Body: Olive Medium Ultra Chenille
Hackle: Gray Variant Saddle - palmered
Head: Olive Medium Ultra Chenille around lead eyes

I forgot to list this but I did reinforce the palmered hackle with some extra small copper wire for durability. You will probably need it with this pattern. It'll probably catch you an extra dozen fish or so.


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    Olive Wooly Bombers.JPG
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Nice stuff John. Look like killer smallie flys. I have not even started mine yet. Will do so this week.

John, those look great! Didnt you tie this fly at this years tying jam? Mikes wooly bears are cool flies and work well.

I've been slacking big time...lots of work stuff. I had tied a few of my pattern up, but ended up grabbing them to use in the past couple outings haha! I'll start working on it and get a pic with recipe up soon.

Yeah, it's the same pattern that I tied at last years tying jam. I was playing around with a sculpin wool head on the ones at the jam. I'm tying these without the wool head because I think the pattern is just as effective without the clipped wool head.
I'M ready to roll. DC I think you will get a kick out of mine.Ive tied two bigger versions of mine and 11 smaller ones.Have run out of brown feathers so some of you are getting black.Ran out of bronze hooks too so a few are on gold.I like brown better but black works well too.
Stopped at Cabelas this weekend for some more materials. While at the bargain cave, I saw a whole row of Whiting 100s on sale for 16.00$. I bought quite a few, and thought id mention the good deal on here if anyone was heading out that way.
Leaving for Spain, Italy and France by weeks end, so I'll have the rest of mine shipped out by Friday.
This swap started with one streamer a piece,Like others I have tied at least a dozen but I do not think it is nessary,If you want to send only one that was the deal and I personally do not have any problem with that.I will need to no where to send them and how to handle the shipping so that tiger doesn't have to flip the shipping cost.This is my first swap too.
Dc410 if you threw a small stinger hook off the back either with wire or let's say 20lb you won't get the short strikes on trout. Was having the same issue on certain cv limestoners and switched my fly. Seems to help
This thread started out with 1 streamer each...for each participant. Thats my bad on lack of communication. Ill pm everyone my address soon. Sorry again for the confusion.
IdratherbePhishing wrote:
Dc410 if you threw a small stinger hook off the back either with wire or let's say 20lb you won't get the short strikes on trout. Was having the same issue on certain cv limestoners and switched my fly. Seems to help

Thanks, that's a good suggestion. I'll have to try that on a few and give them a shot on trout. I really have used this pattern primarily as a Smallmouth pattern. I busted them tonight with it. I may throw a stream report together tomorrow on tonight's outing. It's been a long day, need to get some sleep. Thanks again for the tip.
Had to use beadchain for the eyes on the T1oo0 local fly shop ran out of the barbells that I like and the new ones have eyes that you have to stick on and I am not a fan of those I shake to much to stick the little buggers on.They also cost extra because the barbell and the eyes are sold separate.(WHAT THE HECK)Cant wait to see everyones work.
Going to whip most of mine up this weekend, you guys want some big meat (size 2) or some more reasonable meat (size 6)
Doesn't matter to me,My ties are on size 6 hooks.I have big and small waters in my area.
I got a chance to give the Olive Wooly Bombers a good work out on a very small section on the lower part of Penns Creek for a few hours one evening earlier this week. Here are some of the results.



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