Stream etiquette??

I don't often find myself fishing bigger waters but a couple that I do are the Yough and the Allegheny. If I was fishing upstream (which I normally prefer) would I be upset that you jumped into a hole 75 yards upstream of me? No. If I can cast my entire fly line out and not hit you then you're safe.

That guy was a jerk and you shouldn't worry about it. Most of the streams I fish are a hole here, a hole there, etc. which means 75 yards would be upsetting since I fish a couple miles of stream over multiple hours but on a fishery such as that on a beautiful day I would expect someone at least 75 yards from me.

P.S. All navigable waterways are owned as much by yourself as he so don't pay it any sweat.
As long as someone isn't close enough for me to hook I can deal with it. I've had a couple people sneak up on me. I haven't hooked anyone (besides myself) yet, but it's sure to happen eventually.

I actually had a guy relieve himself behind me this spring. Not into the water or it would have gone much differently. I just happened to turn around see him. I was so shocked I didn't do anything.

If that ever happens again I am aiming for a certain exposed part of their anatomy.
You are never going to please everybody. Just fish. Way too much over thinking about this kinda stuff. Just act on the water how you want others to act. This stuff ain't rocket surgery. The guy might have had nats around his head, he may have been deaf. Just fish.
Say again?
Speaking for myself only, I have only become upset when an encroaching angler has attempted to fish for the EXACT same fish I was working, never because they targeted fish I was hoping to get to. In those instances, I spoke my mind-- twice in 15 years to be precise.