Strangest Catch

1fish I had the same thing happen to me (hooking a snelled loop) but it was a bluegill on the end.

Also sight-fished to a crayfish last year, apparently they like woolly buggers too because I was able to catch it pretty quickly.

When I was a kid I caught a couple snapping turtles on small crankbaits.
Caught , well I guess you can say caught, A big snapping turtle. When I set the hook I at first thought I had A snag but then realized the snag was moving. Not really knowing what I had on I ended up with A 5 minute fight until I saw the turtles head. When it came to the surface it decided to just plain walk up on the stream bank .
Not sure what to do I tried to walk up to it with my hemostats to remove the hook but it just took off back to the water and when I grabbed my fly rod again it just took off and snapped the tippet off.
Not great at guessing its weight but my buddy with me said he guessed it at about 50 pounds or more.

Not great at guessing its weight but my buddy with me said he guessed it at about 50 pounds or more.


Sorry, couldn't resist.

Apparently they can grow that big in the wild, but it would be rare and probably older than Gulfgreyhound. Shot one once that weighed about 35. Carried the darn thing for over a mile figuring I'd make soup. Got it home and with half it's head missing, it was still trying to crawl around the basement. Mom made me get rid of it. What the hell was I thinking? Saw another years later that was quite a bit larger. But I was wading at the time and made no attempt to measure it.

Was in a shallow lake and darn thing looked like a small island complete with vegetation growing on it's back. Imagine my surprise when it moved.

I've never landed a snapping turtle on a rod and reel, but have hooked a few. One I hooked using a hotdog.. Pond fishing for pet channel cats. Another reason I didn't stick around when I saw that monster while wading.
22 inch wild brown in a creek down the street. The creek gets super warm in the summer

Caught a 22 inch pickerel in upper penns creek above Spring Mills.
Fly Fisherman - Does bare-handed count?

Fishing in Pulaski one year (probably 15 years ago) we were fishing the Salmon River when a guy had his fly rod ripped out of his hand.

Watched him hit the water and start tumbling. (we were fishing a fast rif) As he came in front of me, I one-hand grabbed him and set him on his feet. Still don't know how I managed that.

My friend asked why he jumped like he did and he commented on the cost of his rod. To which my friend replied, "What's your life worth?"
I caught a crayfish on a nymph while fishing little pine.
It wasn't my catch, but I once released a very nice brookie and as I did I saw a larger brookie taking a frog of the bank about 15 feet away.
Oh and several ducks.
Back when it was legal to fish Springton Res. in SEPA, I caught an eel while bass fishing on a plastic worm ..... I thought eels were only found in waters with eventual access to the ocean where they all reproduce.
Sea gulls while ice fishing @ Glendale Lake about 50 years ago.

No, not through the ice.

Storms would drive them in from the Atlantic. We'd tie smelts on pieces of line & twirl them overhead. The gulls would grab them and we'd "play" them till they dropped the fish.

Those greedy birds would "fight" for a long time.

Great fun for 15 year olds..
Going to have to go with a beaver while night fishing.
Years ago I was fishing the Lehigh with my son. He cast off the top half of his bait rod ( he was 8 years old).

Caught that piece about 2 months later about 2 miles downstream.

Not to be out done, my cousin lost a bait rod in Lake Ontario when it got pulled overboard. He caught the rod the following year.
A bat
I once caught a trout that was YELLOW!!!


A seagull in the Susquehanna below York Haven that swooped down and grabbed my clouser. Hauled him back to the boat, threw the net over him and got the clouser out with hemos.

Just this year a swallow plucked my comparadun off the water during a sulfur hatch. Thankfully he dropped it a few seconds after taking it.
I caught a Mountain Dew tee shirt.
Not my catch but a buddy of mine hooked a stringer full of steel head on Walnut. LOL talk about a crazy battle, and something that will get you picked on for the whole day. LOL
My dad hooked an umbrella back in the day. LOL a huge crowd surrounded him and some dude came running with a net. That thing was opened and wiggling back and fourth just like a fish would. LOL when he pulled it in he looked down and told the guy with the net "Man I feel like and idiot," dude with net says "YOU DO?? LOOK AT ME"

Boy it was a great round of laughter after that though. LOL
That's my 6 foot 4 wt.


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