strange occurrences

Hmm, do lawyers really false cast a lot? GG
Fishing the Little J several years ago, I stepped in a hole and filled my waders. It was near dark so I decided to call it a day. As I made the long trek back to my car, there was a car parked at the end of the dirt road. I had to squeeze between the car and the bushes. The seats were reclined. There was young girl lying on her back naked with her boyfriend eating at the Y. The look on her face was priceless when my scraping along the side of the car startled her. I may have ruined the moment.
Not sure which lot you were in, but I've seen this same sort of thing a number of times on the J, I wonder what it is about that fishery that attracts it. I also found a wooden paddle while on a camping trip around the J that had holes in it and all...not sure if it was a result of some PSU frat jagoffs or one of the people who like things a little more rough than the rest of us.
JMP - Did you happen to see if it was Roy Moore with her?
PennypackFlyer wrote:
JMP - Did you happen to see if it was Roy Moore with her?

They were definitely teenagers. I was fishing just below Grier school on a hot summer evening.
I thought of a few more. Not really strange, but unusual.

Once I saw what I think was a largemouth bass swallow a baby duck. Was living in a condo in NJ at the time. Mother duck with six babies, and she was fussing like craze sticking her head under water. I figured snapping turtle. But then there was a huge splash and there were 5 ducklings.

I came back an hour later with a spinning rod and landed a 5 pound largemouth from that little runoff pond. I didn't cut it open to see if it was the culprit though.

About 10 years ago, I caught a largemouth bass that had swallowed a black bird. When I was unhooking it to let it go, I noticed what looked like a couple leaches in it's throat. I grabbed one, and it was actually a black feather, still attached to the bird in the fish's gut.

It was likely a fledgling Red wing blackbird. They were nesting in the cattails.

And about 20 years ago, While everyone was watching the the show in the main tank at Sea World Ohio, I saw a fledgling sparrow fall into the whale tank off to the side. The killer whale circled around and sipped that tiny sparrow like a trout sipping a midge.

Speaking of things eating fledgling blackbirds, my dog swallowed one, once. I say once, because I stopped him from swallowing it a second time, after he horked it up in the kitchen.

There's a camp on 144 between Carter Camp and Germania. At the end of their lane is a pole with a toilet seat mounted vertically. When someone is at the camp the seat is raised, otherwise it is in the down position. A bit strange to me.

ah, the old hanger on the door trick...more commonly utilized in college dormitories.
It used to be a sock, but I'm old. GG