strange occurrences

ryansheehan wrote:
Wait a minute, not one word about a tree with a tire around it??

I found one of those shortly after moving to the farm. Tree wasn't nearly as big, but it was tall enough I had to cut it down to dispose of the tire.



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ryansheehan wrote:
Wait a minute, not one word about a tree with a tire around it??

Try topping this one?

Not photo-shopped, either. Greensburg Indiana is proud of there tree growing out of the courthouse roof. The story is that it gets water from the springs in the clock? ;-)

I didn't take the picture, but was in Greensburg in the 1980s and remembered it. Apparently the tree is still there, and much bigger. Funny how that works.;-)


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Here's one.

Was at Oil Creek one day, wet wading in low tops. Was standing in some warm slack water near a bridge at the time. I saw a lamprey. Not knowing they are actually supposed to be there, I deliberately stepped on it, and it proceeded to try to attach to my ankle.

Freaked me out so much that I remember all that, but can't remember if I caught anything, or whether or not I was even fishing at the time.

Lamprey was unscathed.

Laughed about it after the fact, but that that was the closest I came to walking on water.
FarmerDave wrote:
Here's one.

Was at Oil Creek one day, wet wading in low tops. Was standing in some warm slack water near a bridge at the time. I saw a lamprey. Not knowing they are actually supposed to be there, I deliberately stepped on it, and it proceeded to try to attach to my ankle.

Freaked me out so much that I remember all that, but can't remember if I caught anything, or whether or not I was even fishing at the time.

Lamprey was unscathed.

Laughed about it after the fact, but that that was the closest I came to walking on water.

I've caught many a fish in Oil Creek with lamprey marks... a few with the things still attached. Hate them. They give me the heebie jeebies.

Was fishing a early summer morning below Coburn at light saw a lady come out of a tent naked squatted to pee and went back in the tent lol.
One night as a kid (About 10-11 years of age) in Barneveld NY a friend of mine and I decided to ride bikes to a friends house to get his cigarettes. On the way there we passed a creek and noticed a boat with a light on it floating down the river. We continued on our trip and got the items we went for. On the way back the same boat was in the creek and we decided to stop and take a look. Everything looked normal until it passed under the bridge we could hear it scraping the bottom of the bridge. So we went to the other side to see it pass by. It never emerged. Puzzled, we got on our bikes and started back up the hill. A short distance in front of us was a person with a panic look on his face and his arms whaling. We passed right through him. (Thus my friend and my first encounter of a ghost).

A couple of years ago, my sister and I got talking about the house we lived in, in NY. I had mentioned that I had seen a skull just out side my brother's and my bedroom. She took a step back and her face got white as a ghost. She said she had seen it too. (talking about creepy)

The house I currently live in I see a little boy ghost about 10-12 years of age every once in awhile.
Swatara Creek, the Spring following the floods of the Fall of 2011.


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PennypackFlyer wrote:
One night as a kid (About 10-11 years of age) in Barneveld NY a friend of mine and I decided to ride bikes to a friends house to get his cigarettes. On the way there we passed a creek and noticed a boat with a light on it floating down the river. We continued on our trip and got the items we went for. On the way back the same boat was in the creek and we decided to stop and take a look. Everything looked normal until it passed under the bridge we could hear it scraping the bottom of the bridge. So we went to the other side to see it pass by. It never emerged. Puzzled, we got on our bikes and started back up the hill. A short distance in front of us was a person with a panic look on his face and his arms whaling. We passed right through him. (Thus my friend and my first encounter of a ghost).

Are you sure they were "cigarettes" that you went for?
Yup. Didn't know anything about MJ at that age
Went into the middle of no where brookie fishing with a buddy. We parked about 100 yards down an old, unmarked trail. When we got back to my vehicle, the locals had cut a tree down behind my truck.

Had a juvenile raccoon follow me for about a mile of stream, chattering at me the whole way. (Of course it was the first time I was without a pistol on a wilderness trout stream). Presuming it was rabid, I hit it with quite a few large rocks until I thought it was subdued. About 2 hours later and 3 miles away it was at my truck waiting for me with half of its head smashed. Weird that it walked all that way.

Last winter I stepped into the stream and heard a lour commotion directly at my feet. When I looked down, it was a muskrat flailing around. Scared the crap out of me and I could figure out why it didn't run/swim away. After about 5-10 seconds I realized I was standing on its tail.
Dave, thats unreal!
pcray1231 wrote:

Caught a hellbender once.

The infamous snot otter, or if you prefer, Allegheny Alligator.

I've seen them in aquariums (They used to have one at the Tionesta hatchery, years ago) but never saw one in the wild, and can't say I want to.

Was with someone who caught a mud puppy. Smaller and similar in ugliness. They leave slime on everything, so best to cut the line.

I've heard that once you catch one, nothing else will bite unless you cut off and replace terminal tackle, but that is probably rural legend.

Anyone ever see a paddle fish, other than on TV or a hatchery? It's a large and very bizarre looking fish that is a filter feeder. Pymatuning hatchery raises them for re-introduction and apparently they are making a comeback in the Ohio River drainage. I've heard rumors that they have been caught recently in the Allegheny.

Had seen a bowfin caught by a fishing buddy in the Clarion many years ago. Had no idea what it was and had to look it up ... Algore had invented the internet by then, but there was no google. ;-)

Caught a sheephead (Freshwater drum) in the Allegheny once. I had no idea they were in there. Was fishing with bait on a hot summer day, using crayfish for bait. No, not him.
The hellbender was in Tionesta creek. Ive caught numerous mudpuppies, but they more common. The hellbender is similar, just a LOT bigger.

Yes, ive seen a paddlefish. Years ago at Kinzua dam. I was on tge wall right up against dam breast, looking down on water when it was calm, all water diverted through power plant. Paddlefish was up on surface right against dam.

Shhepsheads are common in the Allegheny. Caught dozens before. Erie too.
pcray1231 wrote:

Shhepsheads are common in the Allegheny.

True. I just didn't know it at the time and neither did my little brother who was fishing with me at the time. Learned afterwards they were fairly common in the Allegheny. That was about 20 years ago.

Very common in Lake Erie.

Also learned they can live over 70 years.
pcray1231 wrote:
The hellbender was in Tionesta creek. Ive caught numerous mudpuppies, but they more common. The hellbender is similar, just a LOT bigger.

Yes, ive seen a paddlefish. Years ago at Kinzua dam. I was on tge wall right up against dam breast, looking down on water when it was calm, all water diverted through power plant. Paddlefish was up on surface right against dam.

Shhepsheads are common in the Allegheny. Caught dozens before. Erie too.

At least the politicians in Harrisburg can agree on sumthin'...(I would qualify this as a "strange occurrence")

The Senate bill passed 47-2 and now it heads to the House for approval:
That's sad, Really Sad :( about the decline of an amphibian because of mining.

This is one of the main reasons I hope we never find intellegent life elsewheres. We will destroy their world as we are destroying our own.
afishinado wrote:
pcray1231 wrote:
The hellbender was in Tionesta creek. Ive caught numerous mudpuppies, but they more common. The hellbender is similar, just a LOT bigger.

Yes, ive seen a paddlefish. Years ago at Kinzua dam. I was on tge wall right up against dam breast, looking down on water when it was calm, all water diverted through power plant. Paddlefish was up on surface right against dam.

Shhepsheads are common in the Allegheny. Caught dozens before. Erie too.

At least the politicians in Harrisburg can agree on sumthin'...(I would qualify this as a "strange occurrence")

The Senate bill passed 47-2 and now it heads to the House for approval:

Hutchinson and Laughlin are the Nay votes. What do they have against hellbenders? Anyone know? Are they in the Hyla versicolor camp or something?
Back in the 80's I was fishing the "narrows" section of Big Fishing Creek in Lamar. I had fished until dusk. As I walked the road back to my car a pickup truck zipped past me and disappeared around a tight bend. A second later there was a screeching of brakes followed by the slamming of a door. Just as I rounded the bend there was the flash of a gun followed by a bang. At this point I'm in view of the truck but had no idea what I was walking into. This guy comes around the front of the truck with a pistol in one hand and a 4 foot rattler in the other. He holds it up to me and tells me likes to shoot them on the road when they come to warm themselves on the pavement. I decided this wasn't the right time to tell him what he was doing was illegal.
Probably over 20 years ago I was fishing a small stream. I had gotten permission to fish there from the land owner a few weeks before. He was an odd character, like the hillbillies from deliverance but this stream had huge wild browns in it so I was happy to be able to fish it. Just as I am landing a big fish I get that feeling that someone is watching me. I look up and there is the land owner standing about 100 feet upstream with a drawn bow pointed at me! As soon as I looked up he lowers the bow and starts laughing. I ran up the bank to my car and left. I should have reported it but I was young then and just happy to be alive! I never went back there.
I went fishing with Jack once.