Strange Morning on Brodhead Creek



Active member
Mar 28, 2013
I've been targeting and missing the same trout on the Brodhead in Monroe County for the past 2 weeks. He would take a dry fly 2-3 times before he would permanently hide back in his hole. I normally have a good hookup/miss % but I've missed him over a dozen times the past 2 weeks. This morning I finally landed him and I saw what the issue was. He either had a deformity or he's been caught way too many times and lost part of his mouth. It's a stocked brown in ATW so hatchery deformity or treble hooks could be to blame. Anybody else have a similar experience?

Also, I landed my first swallow today on a BWO emerger. I guess swallows can't tell the difference between an emerger and a dun as all of the other intelligent swallows were picking at duns. The fly was deep and the swallow had tippet wrapped all around it. I really wanted that fly back as it was producing so I had to make a choice. RIP swallow.


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That swallow looks stocked
Had a similar experience with a baby duck who really wanted my sulphur spinner. He lived but with a sulphur lip ring.
Swallows fly incredibly fast, just try to photograph one in flight, you will often see themcatch bugs on the water, or just fly down to take a drink in flight. I've fished streams with heavy flights of swallows so often I'm surprised I haven't caught a swallow yet.
To answer the question about deformed mouths on trout, yes, it happens, both as a genetic deformity and from hook damage.
Probably had it ripped off by a hook, pretty resilient fish.
Looks like there's some evidence of scarring, so that leads me to believe it was hook damage. Tough fish!
Put him back and leave him in peace - that salmo has paid his dues!
Tough fish indeed. Survived 2 weeks of 80 degree water temps last month and if he had issues taking my fly, I'm guessing he struggled surviving with naturals as well.