Stocktoberfest - Saturday, October 16th - Time and Place



Mar 6, 2009
As he is geographically challenged, Fadeaway asked me to post the location of our little get-together. Though I'm not overly thrilled with the choice, it seems the Middle Branch of White Clay Creek is the place. Of course, it does get stocked on October 12th and that fits with the name someone gave our "fest". We'll meet at parking lot #2 in the the White Clay State Preserve on New Peltier Road (see link). I guess 8:00 A.M. would be reasonable given the distance for some you guys. Hope these links work.,+Landenberg,+PA&sll=39.775759,-75.772705&sspn=0.02388,0.080252&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=New+Peltier+Rd,+Landenberg,+Chester,+Pennsylvania+19350&ll=39.756494,-75.781288&spn=0.011943,0.040126&z=15
Links broke. When I open it I find this road that does not appear to have any parking on it. No "middle" parking lot.

Here is the direct link:
Try it. It worked when I checked it.
And I am probably more geographically challenged than Fadeaway. GPS and Google maps all the way!
Yo Prof I told you to post the GPS coordinates.
You told me????? Here's an idea. You do it.
PS No Wooly Buggers will be allowed. Beadless PTs only. Thanks Sight Nymph. You might be banned from here but I look forward to seeing you at White Clay Creek.
PTs should not be made without beads.

GPS coordinates of parking lot or google map pin drop would work. Or is the parking lot really on that road?
So far, I have only the most nebulous idea of where this is, and I loathe the thought of rolling through even Philly outskirts traffic.

Waiting on a decent link to the location... Here's a helpful, greyhairs, use the little chain icon that says link for your massive URL.

Or, if you prefer.
I am amazed, shocked and done. You guys figure it out. If it were in the middle of Alaska, I could find it. It's ten minutes from the University of Delaware. Guess it's just a little too complicated.

Just post a link.

Hey that is a pretty cool map I made with innerwebz technology. Thank you Gfen for making me work for it. I have learned much. You can click on the map and it will zoom in, you can input your beginning address for directions, etc. Man I am running good today.
See, that's helpful.

Also, that's way to close to the state of Delaware for my comfort. I've had the displeasure of being through DE a time or two, and each time I felt as if I was on the virge of losing my identity to its utter blandness and being sucked through the mirror into some sort of parallel universe where everything sucks and its boring.
Now, Gfen that little dab of land has quite a few good things going for it, especially for someone such as yourself who aspires to be a fan of the salt.
Don't care, I don't trust them. They're shifty.
jdaddy wrote:
Isn't the U of Delaware in PA?

Here you go boys. This is parking lot #2 per the map.


View Larger Map

Hey, I could walk over from my brothers house. Sorry Gfen, he lives across the line in Delaware.
Driving through delaware is one of the most horrifying experiences I have ever had. Miles of soy fields and chicken processing plants.
franklin wrote:
Hey, I could walk over from my brothers house. Sorry Gfen, he lives across the line in Delaware.

I won't fault anyone for being stuck in DE, but I'm not intentionally going near it.
gfen wrote:
franklin wrote:
Hey, I could walk over from my brothers house. Sorry Gfen, he lives across the line in Delaware.

I won't fault anyone for being stuck in DE, but I'm not intentionally going near it.

Not even for Stripers?