Stocking Trout Over Wild Fish

Yadda...Yadda...Yadda. This debate is old.

We complain about stocking over wild trout, we debate if fingerling stockings are productive, and we bemoan the PFBC for their management of our wild trout resources.

It's unfortunate to say, but it cracks me up anymore when I read a post on this board stating how bad a stream is, its lack of fish, and what the PFBC could or should be doing to improve it.

The board's "Computer Biologists" seem to have all of the answers, but seldom, if at all, do I read about any of them doing work on the streams they complain about to improve wild trout populations. Instead, they give up on a given stream and move to another.

This forum should initiate a "pay as you go" system. That being...You should not be allowed to ***** about the wild trout populations in a given stream unless you have a plan to do something about it.
Time out Jeff. How do you know people arent working on those streams?

In my life time alone...i have worked on over 50 streams all across the state. Helped with petitions, helped talk and write to all the political figures i have also help in various fund raisers to secure parcels of land. SO i guess i have a right to complain then.

And NO the PFBC is not resource first nor do they manage most of our fisheries properly. I can talk to many PFBC people over the phone and in person who are ALOT more willing to admit these things than on a public forum ;-)
I commend and appreciate your efforts to improve wild trout popluations across the state.

With that being said, I think you are a rare bird. I have come to realize that fly fishermen are just like bait fishermen in that they swoop down upon a stream and expect to catch fish at a certain time of year. If the fishing is good fly fishermen don't complain, but, if the fishing is bad, they ***** about poaching and the lack of PFBC enforcement. Seldom do they lift a hand to improve the stream they ***** about. I guess they figure the $35 they give to TU will take care of everything.

I didn't bring it up, but, since you did, to claim that the PFBC is not a "resource first" driven agency or that they are not conservation minded is ridiculous. (I ended here because I anticipate a big debate to follow!)
No debate from me Jeff. My opinion has been formed over 25 years of angling experience. Its just my and a few others opinions. We all have one if i remember the saying correct ;-)